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[council] Re: Action items from GNSO Council call on 17 January regarding the CCWG-Accountability Third Draft Proposal

Hi Paul and everyone,

The staff understanding was that what was, and is to be, included in the final 
document that lays out the Council’s response will basically be those SG/C 
comments that are considered to be most salient to the specific point being 
made (e.g. a GNSO condition). We therefore assumed that any additions of 
specific SG/C comments at this point would first go through a review process 
with James and possibly the Sub Team (as they were the ones that compiled the 
extract of SG/C comments). Thanks for the opportunity to clarify that none of 
these is either a staff position or view on what ought or ought not to be 
included or added to the document!

Thanks and cheers

Mary Wong
Senior Policy Director
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx
Telephone: +1-603-5744889

From:  "McGrady, Paul D." <PMcGrady@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:PMcGrady@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 22:20
To: Mary Wong <mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx>>, 
Subject: RE: Action items from GNSO Council call on 17 January regarding the 
CCWG-Accountability Third Draft Proposal

Thanks Mary.  Just a quick question on Rec 9.  Why would there need to be a 
review of whether or not to include the IPC comments?  Everyone else’s comments 
were included, so I don’t know why the IPCs would be subject to a review to see 
if they would be included.  Thanks for your thoughts.


From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mary Wong
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:17 AM
To: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [council] Action items from GNSO Council call on 17 January regarding 
the CCWG-Accountability Third Draft Proposal

Dear all,

Here are the notes that staff took in relation to action items stemming from 
the Special GNSO Council meeting that just concluded. Please let us know if we 
have missed or mischaracterized anything.


  *   Letter explaining GNSO Council response - James to prepare draft for 
Council consideration before 21 January, assisted by Keith and Ed
  *   Rec 5, 11 - James to draft additional language along the lines of what 
was discussed/agreed on the call, assisted by Ed and Paul
  *   Rec 1 - reinsert BC note about strong right of inspection (perhaps with 
cross-reference in/to Rec 3?)
  *   Rec 2 - change "unanimous support" to "broad support"
  *   Rec 3, 4 - no change
  *   Rec 6 - remove last sentence; add note that certain questions remain to 
be resolved in WS2
  *   Rec 7 - no change
  *   Rec 8 – further elaboration needed on note about timeliness (including 
replies and deadlines)
  *   Rec 9 - Review whether IPC comment on AOC section 8(b) and direct 
constituency participation in review teams should be included; review generally 
for accuracy
  *   Rec 10 - emphasize need for it to be a community-led effort
  *   Rec 12 - no change
Staff will follow up with James and the various Council volunteers to ensure 
that you have the updates as soon as practicable.

Thanks and cheers

Mary Wong
Senior Policy Director
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:mary.wong@xxxxxxxxx>
Telephone: +1-603-5744889

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