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[council] FW: DPRD Updates & Follow-Up Calls

  • To: <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: DPRD Updates & Follow-Up Calls
  • From: "Jonathan Robinson" <jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 16:34:56 +0100
  • Importance: High
  • In-reply-to: <BDBCC21442A22640A4ECE2C75A8E215AC5E937E611@EXVPMBX100-1.exc.icann.org>
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Organization: Afilias
  • References: <BDBCC21442A22640A4ECE2C75A8E215AC5E937E611@EXVPMBX100-1.exc.icann.org>
  • Reply-to: <jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AQJaWDZrdpaWWk6s5YtlJtKzACtkSppWZONA



From: Darris Saylors [mailto:darris.saylors@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nora
Sent: 04 June 2014 03:14
To: ocl@xxxxxxx; patrik@xxxxxxxxxx; heather.dryden@xxxxxxxx;
liman@xxxxxxxxx; junsec@xxxxxxxxxx; louinet@xxxxxxxxx; pwilson@xxxxxxxxx;
ceo.cira@xxxxxxx; jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx;
Cc: Lauren Allison; Riccardo Ruffolo; Christina Rodriguez; Marika Konings
Subject: DPRD Updates & Follow-Up Calls
Importance: High


Dear All, 


As you know, we are preparing for the upcoming ICANN 50 Meeting in London
from June 22-26th ( <http://meetings.icann.org/icann50>


Our goal at this meeting is to inform the Community about proposed changes
being made, within ICANN, based upon the recommendations made by the
Strategy Panel on the Public Responsibility Framework, which was finalized
and published earlier this month. Please review the final Panel on the
Framework's Report at:


The Panel's report outlined how ICANN can better address the global public
interest through an approach that reviews ICANN's current activities, and
identifying opportunities and key targets that should be addressed to
strengthen ICANN's commitment. In its conclusion, the Report listed top line
recommendations for ICANN's public responsibility framework moving forward.
Recommendations included: the streamlining of current ICANN public
responsibility activities under a formal Development and Public
Responsibility Department (DPRD); strengthening ICANN Regional Engagement
Strategies; commissioning research to enhance understanding of links between
Internet Governance and Development; and exploring the establishment of an
external foundation to operate in the philanthropic space.


Building on the recommendations from the Panel's report, ICANN is exploring
the potential of creating a Development and Public Responsibility Department
(DPRD), which will aim to implement the Panel's recommendations and
formalize ICANN's public responsibility framework. If established, this
department will aim to:


1.  Streamline and formalize existing, and future, public responsibility
activities, which will eliminate the need to grow dramatically in FY15, as
it focuses primarily on strategy enhancement and efficiency. This could
include: ensuring that the public interest is cohesively and cross-cuttingly
served throughout the organization's activities and operations;
commissioning research how ICANN can best act with other entities and
members in the Internet ecosystem; enhancing the understanding of the links
between Internet, Internet governance, development, and policymaking,
particularly in developing and emerging countries and regions; strengthening
Regional Engagement Strategies so they can continue to identify, assess, and
meet local needs; and ensuring that all ICANN departments incorporate public
responsibility as a core component of their work.


2.   Organize its development and public responsibility efforts into four
following strategic priority areas, as recommended by the Panel Report:

.      Education

.      Localization and Language Services

.      Next Generation Projects

.      Participation in Global Cooperation and Development


This organizational structure will further strengthen ICANN's commitment to
the global public interest. Projects within each area could be carried out
by ICANN independently, in collaboration with International and
Intergovernmental Organizations, in partnership with foundations, or with
regional and local capacity building and training organizations.



As mentioned above, our goal at this meeting is to socialize the Community
with the idea of creating the DPRD. This goal can be effected by discussing
the proposed DPRD with the attending Community and various ICANN
departments, and implementing recommended changes for best practices. To do
so, we have scheduled the following two sessions for the ICANN 50 Meeting: 


1.   " <http://london50.icann.org/en/schedule/mon-nextgen-uog> NextGen@ICANN
with University of Greenwich" (Monday, June 23rd from 15:15 to 16:45 BST in
Thames) - Building on the success at ICANN49, this session will review the
work by Post Graduate students at the University of Greenwich on the
potential economic social and political costs of a fragmentation of the DNS,
generating an interesting dialogue including potential areas for further

3.   " <http://london50.icann.org/en/schedule/wed-development-prf> Exploring
ICANN's Development and Public Responsibility Programs" (Wednesday, 25th
June from 13:00 to 14:30 BST in the Windsor Suite) - This session will
incorporate, and elaborate upon, the DPRD information mentioned above, and
provide a discussion session for the Community to participate, give
feedback, and recommend changes for the department proposition and strategy.
Nii Quaynor, who served on the Strategy Panel on the Public Responsibility
Framework, will attend this session, and I will be moderating. 


In addition, I am hoping to meet with you while in London to gather your
input and expertise in this area.


I anticipate that this upcoming meeting will help our team, and ICANN,
further demonstrate its commitment to international participation, and help
to develop a streamlined approach to fulfilling ICANN's public


Pursuant to this end, and as an extension of Fadi's recent call covering
plans for the DPRD, I would like to arrange individual follow-up calls with
each of you to discuss these plans further. Please respond under separate
cover to  <mailto:darris.saylors@xxxxxxxxx> Darris Saylors as soon as
possible with your preferred availability for a one-on-one call prior to


I look forward to seeing you in London,







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