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[council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference 21 December 2006
- To: "'Council GNSO'" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [council] Draft minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference 21 December 2006
- From: "GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 22:53:16 +0100
- Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)
Dear Council Members,
Please find the draft minutes of the GNSO Council teleconference held on
21 December 2006.
Please let me know if you would like any changes made.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
21 December 2006
Proposed agenda and related documents
List of attendees:
Philip Sheppard - Commercial & Business Users C. - absent - apologies
Marilyn Cade - Commercial & Business Users C.
Alistair Dixon - Commercial & Business Users C
Greg Ruth - ISCPC - absent
Antonio Harris - ISCPC - absent
Tony Holmes - ISCPC - absent
Thomas Keller- Registrars
Ross Rader - Registrars - absent - apologies
Bruce Tonkin - Registrars
Chuck Gomes - gTLD registries
Edmon Chung - gTLD registries
Cary Karp - gTLD registries
Kristina Rosette - Intellectual Property Interests C
Ute Decker - Intellectual Property Interests C
Kiyoshi Tsuru - Intellectual Property Interests C - absent
Robin Gross - NCUC. - absent
Norbert Klein - NCUC. - absent
Mawaki Chango - NCUC - absent - apologies
Sophia Bekele - Nominating Committee appointee
Jon Bing - Nominating Committee appointee
Avri Doria - Nominating Committee appointee
13 Council Members
(18 Votes - quorum)
Dan Halloran - Deputy General Counsel
Denise Michel - Vice President, Policy Development
Olof Nordling - Manager, Policy Development Coordination
Maria Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
GNSO Council Liaisons
Suzanne Sene - GAC Liaison - absent - apologies
Alan Greenberg - ALAC Liaison
Quorum present at 19:05 UTC.
MP3 Recording
Bruce Tonkin chaired this meeting
Approval of the agenda
Avri Doria requested discussing interim meetings on the new gTLD PDP and
PDPFeb06 under Item 7: Any Other Business
Item 1: Update any statements of interest
Bruce Tonkin reminded new Council members that statements of interest
were voluntary and referred to the statement of interest Chuck Gomes
Item 2: Approval of the GNSO Council minutes of 6 December 2006
This item was deferred to the next GNSO Council meeting on 18 January 2007
Item 3: Correspondence
No correspondence received
Item 4: Election of GNSO Council chair
Bruce Tonkin commented that it has been the recent practice of the GNSO
Council to use the past chair, (Philip Sheppard) to chair the discussion
for the election of the GNSO Chair, but in Philip's absence Bruce
requested Council if Glen de Saint Géry as the secretariat for the
election could conduct that part of the meeting.
Council approved.
Glen de Saint Géry stated that a formal nomination period was open for
two weeks from Monday 27 November to Monday 11 December 2006.
Bruce Tonkin, nominated by Mawaki Chango, a NCUC Council representative,
seconded Ken Stubbs, a gTLD Registries constituency Council
representative, and the only nominee at close of nominations on Monday
11 December 2006 accepted his nomination for GNSO Council chair.
As Council agreed at the GNSO Council meeting in Sao Paulo on 6 December
2006, if there were only one nomination, then the voting and
confirmation of the election would take place at the scheduled GNSO
Council meeting on 21 December 2006.
The Secretariat proposed a roll call vote of affirmation to elect Bruce
Tonkin as GNSO Council Chair for the period 21 December 2006 until the
end of the ICANN Annual General Meeting in 2007.
The motion carried.
16 votes in favour, one abstention Bruce Tonkin (2 votes)
Absent: Philip Sheppard (CBUC), Kiyoshi Tsuru (IPC), Tony Holmes, Greg
Ruth (ISPCPC), Robin Gross, Norbert Klein, Mawaki Chango (NCUC) Ross
Rader (Registrars constituency)
Decision 1: Bruce Tonkin elected as GNSO Council Chair for the period 21
December 2006 until the end of the ICANN Annual General Meeting in 2007.
The Secretariat handed the chair back to Bruce Tonkin.
Item 5: Proposal to elect a GNSO Council vice-chair
Bruce Tonkin called for discussion on whether the Council was interested
in formally appointing a deputy chair and added that due to business
commitments he would be unavailable for the ICANN Lisbon meetings. In
addition, Bruce's term on the GNSO Council finishes at the 2007 Annual
General Meeting (currently scheduled around early November 2007).
It was noted that if a chair of the Council or a committee/task force
was absent for a particular meeting, that the relevant group could
appoint a chair for that particular meeting.
Marilyn Cade expressed support for a leadership continuity process for
the Council that should be considered together with the job description
and functions to be fulfilled by both a chair and a vice chair; how
management of the GNSO relates to the Council's policy work, and
documenting and stabilizing procedures and processes.
There should be clarity on the roles when electing someone on an interim
basis as chair.
Sophia Bekele mentioned the idea of mentoring a new chair with a period
of overlap to ensure continuity.
Cary Karp commented that there was no crucial reason to institute a
position because of an anticipated absence at one meeting.
Given the ICANN Board was considering the LSE review it was perhaps
judicious to wait for the outcome before making a structural change.
Avri Doria supported the idea in all organisations to back up work and
commented that the Council workload had been growing steadily. The ICANN
bylaws mention a GNSO chair but no mention is made that a vice chair is
Tom Keller supported the concept in general but added that consideration
should be given to when both the chair and the deputy chair were absent
and it should not be a foregone conclusion that the vice chair would
become the next Council chair.
Alistair Dixon also supported the principle but added that the chairs'
workload could be shared by other members of council.
Bruce Tonkin commented that from a succession planning point of view,
documenting procedures was the first step.
Bruce Tonkin proposed:
- documenting current procedures with a role description of the GNSO chair
- drafting the role of deputy chair for Council's consideration
- await the ICANN Board considerations in terms of the LSE Review.
Item 6: PDP on new gTLDs work
- Update draft recommendations to separate policy from implementation
Staff is updating the draft recommendations to separate policy from
implementation guidance based on the input received at the Sao Paulo
- Proposal to form a GNSO working group to review the creation of a
reserved words list for the top level and update the list for the second
level for gTLDs
(use: http://www.icann.org/tlds/agreements/jobs/appendix-6-05may05.htm
as a starting point)
- Proposal to form a GNSO working group to review the sunrise processes
used by recent gTLDs and ccTLDs (e.g .eu) and determine whether a
standardised process that is scalable for many new gTLDs is feasible.
There was general support for the principle of creating two working
groups to review the two topics.
The proposed structure of the group:
- would be open, similar to that of the IDN working group
- eligibility requirements for membership would be a member of a GNSO
constituency, a member of the Council, a Nominating Committee appointee
to Council, an Advisory Committee liaison as a non voting member
- possibility of appointing experts to the working group
- groups appoint an interim chair and then ask the group what they want
to do in the longer term.
- there should be a council member as liaison between the council and
the working groups.
The views of the group could be incorporated into the new gTLD report as
guidance. However, this should not be on the critical path for new gTLDs
process which should not be dependent on the outcome of the groups.
Chuck Gomes proposed 3 principles for the groups:
1. Keep the group to a manageable size. Representation of divergent
views rather than constituency or geographical representation.
2. Leadership of the working group is important, not to drive the agenda
but to drive the action.
3. New involvement, people with the right knowledge base and skill sets
should be encouraged. Minimise the number of councillors in the groups.
Bruce Tonkin proposed:
Marilyn Cade and Chuck Gomes draft terms of reference to review the
creation of a reserved words list for the top level and update the list
for the second level for gTLDs.
Kristina Rosette and Ute Decker draft terms of reference to review the
sunrise processes used by recent gTLDs and ccTLDs (e.g .eu) and
determine whether a standardised process that is scalable for many new
gTLDs is feasible.
Council members were invited to submit ideas.
Draft terms of reference should be submitted by 11 January, 2007, one
week before the Council meeting on 18 January 2007
- membership structure as for the GNSO IDN working group
Chuck Gomes urged that the IDN group be spurred on because it was
necessary to know if there were additional issues regarding the
introduction of new TLDs that need to be added to the recommendation
paper in the draft Final Report on the Introduction of New Top Level
Generic Names.
Item: 7 AOB
7.1 Concept of an Interim meeting
Avri Doria proposed holding one interim meeting to cover the policy work
on the New gTLD PDPDec05 and the GNSO Policies for contractual
conditions, existing gTLDs PDPFeb06 in mid February 2007. The interim
face to face meetings have proved to be a productive means of moving the
work forward.
Tom Keller encouraged more productive use of the physical time during
the 3 ICANN meetings.
Marilyn Cade supported the idea of the Council committees and task
forces having two full working days before the ICANN meetings started,
but strongly supported an intercessional meeting. However expressed the
hope that over time as the processes evolved, staff support
strengthened, the expertise that was planned for in the strategic and
operational plan was added and the policy development process was
revised and updated, the need for interim meetings would diminish.
Alistair Dixon supported an interim meeting, but supported any
initiative to make more use of the time available at the ICANN meetings,
for example meetings to consider input from the public forums.
Chuck Gomes, also in support of an interim meeting, suggested that the
constituencies assign one person with adequate communication channels,
to represent the constituency. Chuck further emphasised the importance
of having different people in different groups so that groups could work
productively in parallel 2 or 3 days before ICANN meetings.
Bruce Tonkin proposed taking on board the comments and encouraging each
committee or working group to have a series of scheduled meetings that
fit in with the flow of the ICANN meetings.
Bruce Tonkin proposed working with staff to schedule a meeting in mid
February with similar funding arrangements as for previous meetings.
Economy class air fare for one member of each constituency, plus the
chair, hotel accommodation funded for the period of time to work on both
PDPDec05 and PDPFeb06, so that the meetings could take place serially.
The proposed dates were 15, 16, 17, 18 February 2007 and expressed
strong support for Los Angeles as a venue so as to engage the ICANN
operational staff.
Denise Michel stated that ICANN Could commit to funding the
intercessional meeting using the same basic guidelines as for the
Amsterdam meeting in August 2006.
Bruce Tonkin formally closed the meeting and thanked everybody for
The meeting ended: 20:15 UTC
Next GNSO Council teleconference will be on 18 January 2007 at 19:00 UTC.
see: Calendar
Summary of Work Items arising from the minutes:
1. Arising from Item 5 Proposal to elect a GNSO Council vice-chair
Bruce Tonkin proposed:
- documenting procedures with a role description of the GNSO chair
- drafting the role of deputy chair for Council's consideration
2. Arising from Item 6: PDP on new gTLDs work
2.1 Marilyn Cade and Chuck Gomes draft terms of reference to review the
creation of a reserved words list for the top level and update the list
for the second level for gTLDs.
2.2 Kristina Rosette and Ute Decker draft terms of reference to review
the sunrise processes used by recent gTLDs and ccTLDs (e.g .eu) and
determine whether a standardised process that is scalable for many new
gTLDs is feasible.
2.3 Council members were invited to submit ideas.
2.4 Draft terms of reference should be submitted by 11 January, 2007,
one week before the Council meeting on 18 January 2007
2.5- membership structure as for the GNSO IDN working group
Chuck Gomes to urge IDN group to work to meet the Lisbon meeting
deadline and additional issues regarding the introduction of new TLDs
that need to be added to the recommendation paper in the draft Final
Report on the Introduction of New Top Level Generic Names.
3. The Secretariat will survey the Council and task force members to
establish a date for the interim meeting and work towards organising the
Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN
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