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[council] FW: the topic of new gTLDs and the role of gNSO Council

  • To: <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: the topic of new gTLDs and the role of gNSO Council
  • From: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 01:45:49 -0400
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcWRoofjEmpjrDtES4qfKjCkVC2gmgAAi3jA

Dear colleagues, 


My posting to the public forum on the new gTLD questions is posted below for
your information. I look forward to the discussion on this topic on
Thursday. I have just reread the relevant transcript of the Board's public
forum to refresh my memory on the discussion. Of course, there is also the
discussion that took place in our own meetings to inform our discussion on
Thursday as well. 





From: Marilyn Cade [mailto:marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:26 AM
To: 'new-gtld-questions@xxxxxxxxx'
Cc: 'Kurt Pritz'; 'Paul Twomey'; 'Olof Nordling'; 'John Jeffrey'; 'Bruce
Subject: the topic of new gTLDs and the role of gNSO Council


This topic will be discussed at the gNSO Council meeting on Thursday, July
28. At Luxembourg, there were several discussions regarding the role of the
gNSO in making policy for gTLDs and how the staff paper fits into that
process. This topic came up in the board/council breakfast; in the Cross
Constituency meeting with the Board, and in the public forum. 


In my view, as an elected BC rep to the gNSO Council, I consider the
introduction of new gTLDs a policy issue for gTLD space. I believe that the
gNSO Council should develop a working plan, and include in that plan the
appropriate consultation with the community, other SOs, and advisory
committees, including seeking any necessary external studies or advice to
fully advise the development of policy in this area. 


Thus, I will not make substantive comments in this forum. I look forward to
the discussion in the gNSO council on establishing a path forward to
undertake the necessary work, which should include appropriate outreach and
consultation with other entities, both internal and external, as


Marilyn Cade

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