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Re: [registrars] Motion to adopt Tasting Position Statement

The motions and discussion make this out to be more complicated than the work requires. At this point, the Council has requested that we appoint someone to compile a report of the constituency views. This person need not represent our interests in any forum as the Council has chosen to use an open working group format in which there are no specific constituency representatives - anyone interested can participate.

The important thing now is to create this report that captures the views of the constituency. Whomever we appoint should be free to use whatever means appropriate to solicit and record these views.

On 9-Nov-07, at 5:32 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams wrote:

The Registrars Constituency (RC) has not reached Supermajority support for a particular position on Domain Name Tasting.
This puts a (process) conclusion ahead of any (policy) ballot. I suggest not making (process) comments, after all, in theory we could reach a two-thirds position among the voting RC members.

I think we should put the stability and security issue up front. Phish live for days, and the volume of tasting registrations makes it wicked difficult to create mechanisms which rely upon this critical temporal property -- registrations in the first tens of hours of life -- to detect and change A records used in Phish. Part of the energy for WHOIS comes from the claim that without WHOIS Phish can't be caught. We don't want to make that belief more credible than it already is.

I'll talk to the anti-Phish TF folks and get back to the RC, unless someone already has some text ready to go.


Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
t. 416.538.5492
c. 416.828.8783

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."
- Erik Nupponen

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