[whois-tf1-report-comments] Proposed WHOIS Information Requirements
I believe that it is a good idea to limit access to sensitive information in the WHOIS directory. Such sensitive information would include names, e-mail addresses,postal addresses, and telephone numbers. Information included in the WHOIS directory should be limitted to technical content information rather than the sensitive information included above because providing access to such sensitive information would simply abet criminals and spammers. While you might claim that there would be advantages to listing the sensitive contact information described above, it would also be a good idea to list disadvantages, such as criminals, spammers, or hackers accessing such data. There is also the problem of governments in many areas of the world that do not respect freedom of expression or other human rights. Providing sensitive contact information to them, particularly about political groups operating in their countries, could make such groups more susceptible to the repression of such governments. It would also be a good idea to not only limit access to sensitive information, but to also warn operators of websites if sensitive contact information has been requested. It is also a good idea for the reasons specified above not to penalize web site operators who provide false contact information. Some of these website operators may be operating websites that advocate for groups that may often be persecuted or discriminated against by various governments or other organizations. |