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[tf1-survey] ASSISTANCE

  • Subject: [tf1-survey] ASSISTANCE
  • From: "Mr Joe Brown" <brownedward2004@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 17:26:17 +0400
  • Reply-to: joebrown2004@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-tf1-survey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am the son of retired Major Edward Brown, an ex-member of the 
Front of Sierra Leone (RUF). During his active service, he was the unit
Commandant responsible for negotiation and procurement of arms and
used in the prosecution of the war against the Government of Sierra
under the leadership of Alhaji Teejan Kabbah. During this period, his
high command raised millions and millions of US dollars from the sales
of Diamonds, which was used in payment for arms and amunitions.
When his Leader, Corporal Sankoh was arrested and detained by the
Leonian Government for possible trial by the United Nations, our high
command was thrown into confusion and under this state of confusion,
he took one box containing about $35 Million USD (thirty five million
United States Dollars) and escaped along with refugees from Ghana and
Republic of Benin that were being repatriated by the Dubai navy U.A.E 
Dubai.U.A.E where he deposited the box in the vaults of a
security company and declared the contents Artifacts befor he die.as 
of fact am the son I traveled to
Dubai.U.A.E where I am now on self
Right now, I am distressed as a result of sickness and would like to
claim the box in U.A.E and transfer the money overseas for
and also for medical attention.
So I write you because I need your assistance to claim the boxes from
the security company where it has incurred little demurrage and use you
as a front to transfer the funds into your account in your country.
Upon your acceptance, I will offer you 15% of the total money for your
assistance and if you recommend any viable business for the investment
of the funds, I will give you additional 20% equity share participation
in the business venture and you will be totally responsible for the
of the business.
Should you be interested, please do not hesitate to reach me
by mail. I expect your urgent reply. Thanks and God bless.
Major Joe Brown.(rtd)

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