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[registrars] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec

  • To: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec
  • From: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 01:19:37 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Cc: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>, "fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, "Darcy Southwell" <darcy.southwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>, "rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>, "registrars@xxxxxxxxx" <registrars@xxxxxxxxx>
  • In-reply-to: <6DD5C932-0D52-41E8-91AF-3C8D6755A960@icann.org>
  • List-id: registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <857701CC-7ADE-48C5-9D70-BACE199E3776@icann.org> <2351486d-6a75-132a-5886-f99daa5a7803@tucows.com> <B577F9D9-E4CE-4231-B1D8-1022DBEF5D40@icann.org> <8763467b-d2a7-9fca-dd76-189dc6936fcc@tucows.com> <774EFF2E-5A85-480D-B638-E402193B5636@icann.org> <ff78de90-7f7a-e614-b4a8-dc4fa9d4abce@tucows.com> <6DD5C932-0D52-41E8-91AF-3C8D6755A960@icann.org>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AQHR5p4KlUJBEUw5Xk2Lj+KdV6S5TKBK+5oAgEgrgQCAB/tcAP//52uAgAtwxICAAlQEAIBSIbiA
  • Thread-topic: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec
  • User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/f.1c.1.161117

Dear Graeme Bunton,


Please find attached the updated cover letter and updated redlined version of the RRA Amendment for .quebec submitted by PointQuébec Inc to be shared with your Stakeholder Group. The attached document contains both the cover letter and also the actual RRA where proposed changes are indicated in redlines (RRA starts as of page 18).


Please note that following receipt of RrSG’s feedback on the proposed changes, ICANN has consulted with the Registry Operator pursuant to Section 3 of the RRA Amendment procedure and the Registry Operator agreed to update the cover letter and the redlines in line with the feedback submitted by RrSG.


Pursuant to Section 4 of the RRA Amendment Procedure, the RrSG has up to 15 days to review the updated proposed changes. If the registrars have concerns, please advise ICANN by responding to this message no later than 23:59UTC on 21 December 2016. If there is no response during this second review period, ICANN will assume there are no concerns and will continue processing the request. If you have any further inquiries, please let me know.


Kind regards,


Krista Papac


Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:05 PM
To: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>, "fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>, "rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec Dear Graeme Bunton,


Please find attached the updated cover letter and updated redlined version of the RRA Amendment for .quebec submitted by PointQuébec Inc to be shared with your Stakeholder Group. The attached document contains both the cover letter and also the actual RRA where proposed changes are indicated in redlines (RRA starts as of page 18).


Please note that following receipt of RrSG’s feedback on the proposed changes, ICANN has consulted with the Registry Operator pursuant to Section 3 of the RRA Amendment procedure and the Registry Operator agreed to update the cover letter and the redlines in line with the feedback submitted by RrSG.


Pursuant to Section 4 of the RRA Amendment Procedure, the RrSG has up to 15 days to review the updated proposed changes. If the registrars have concerns, please advise ICANN by responding to this message no later than 23:59UTC on 01 December 2016. If there is no response during this second review period, ICANN will assume there are no concerns and will continue processing the request. If you have any further inquiries, please let me know.



Kind regards,


Krista Papac



Thanks Graeme. We’ll proceed with the next step of the process shortly.





Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 5:32 PM
To: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>, "fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>, "rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rra-review@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec


Hi All,
There is general concern among some registrars that diverging time lines between the RRA and the RA causes two problems:

a) Registrars are not party to the RA; timelines could be changed at this level and severely impact our ability to operate.   Including time lines inside the RRA allows registrars to ensure they have at least some control over future changes. 

b) Allowing timelines below those specified inside the RA, even if unusable at the moment, establishes a precedent that may be used for future RA negotiations.

In short, we're not entirely comfortable relying on provisions in a contract we're not party to.

This concern applies across all gTLDs with these sorts of provisions, and not just to .quebec. 

The other changes to the RRA are satisfactory, thank you.


On 2016-10-05 8:49 PM, Krista Papac wrote:

Dear Graeme,


Thank you for reaching out. Yes, we can extend the due date to 12 October. We look forward to hearing from you then.





Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 12:17 PM
To: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>, "fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec


Hi Krista,

There is still some conversation happening around .quebec and section 5.1

It feels rushed to conclude these by the 7th, would it be possible to extend our deadline until the 12th (Monday is a holiday in Canada).





On 2016-09-30 8:24 PM, Krista Papac wrote:

Dear Graeme,

ICANN has been in consultations with the registry operator pursuant to Section 3 of the RRA Amendment process; at the close of the registrar review period, if there are any concerns expressed, ICANN will consult with the registry and with the Registrar Stakeholder Group to attempt to resolve any such concerns.

Accordingly, please find attached the updated cover letter where registry operator has fixed the typo at Section 5.2. Additionally, please find below the responses of the registry operator for the other two questions:

“Section 5.1: There is no need to add 180 days minimum notification for renewal price changes as this minimum period is already set by the Registry Agreement. 


Section 3.11: The rationale for this Section is that the Registry will reimburse the gaining registrar of a bulk transfer the costs ICANN currently imposes to registrars through Section B.1.2 of the IRTP.”

Now that we are at consultation stage of the RRA Amendment procedure, we kindly request that you review the responses of the registry operator and get back to ICANN with your feedback no later than 7 October 2016. Following RrSG’s feedback on the responses provided, ICANN will then initiate the step 4 of the RRA Amendment procedure: if the consultations result in changes to the proposal, ICANN will submit the revised document to the Registrar Stakeholder Group and open an additional review period, which will normally not exceed fifteen (15) days. Upon conclusion of any second review period, ICANN will attempt to resolve any remaining issues through consultation with the registrars and the registry.

Kind Regards,



Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, August 15, 2016 at 12:18 PM
To: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen@xxxxxxxxx>, "fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <fortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Darcy Southwell <darcy.southwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .quebec


Hello All,

This is to let you know that the RrSG would like to enter into consultations with ICANN and registry operator to resolve some issues with the proposed amendments.

First, we would like to ensure that it's clear that we generally consider the below to be reasonably minor, and that we look forward to working with .quebec to iron out these differences. 

Section 3.11 on Bulk Transfers:  We're unclear about what this section means, and are looking for more explanation or intent. 

Section 5.1 on Amounts and Price changes:  The agreement is proposing 90 days notice for price changes.  While the RrSG is very pleased to see this applied to changes to new domains, we want to ensure that the minimum notification of 180 days for renewals as per the RA still applies.

Section 5.2 on Payment:  There is a typo, and it's unclear if the Registry is giving fifteen or 30 days to cure payment default.  We would like to know which one it is.  

Hopefully we can work through these quickly.



On 2016-07-25 1:57 PM, Krista Papac wrote:

Dear Graeme, 


Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendment for .quebec submitted by PointQuébec Inc to be shared with your Stakeholder Group.

Per the RRA Amendment Procedure, the RrSG has up to 21 days to review the proposed changes. If the registrars have concerns, please advise ICANN by responding to this message no later than 23:59UTC on 15 August 2016. If there is no response by this time, ICANN will assume there are no concerns and will continue processing the request. If the RrSG responds with concerns, ICANN will continue to the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator.

If you have any further inquiries, please let me know.


Kind regards,



Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094



Graeme Bunton
Manager, Analytics and Insights
Manager, Public Policy
Tucows Inc.
PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634

Graeme Bunton
Manager, Analytics and Insights
Manager, Public Policy
Tucows Inc.
PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634

Graeme Bunton
Manager, Analytics and Insights
Manager, Public Policy
Tucows Inc.
PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634

Attachment: PQC_RRA_20160926.docx
Description: Microsoft Office

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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