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[registrars] FW: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Draft Schedule related to GNSO Council and Task Force/Working group meetings in Sao Paulo

  • To: "Registrars Constituency" <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] FW: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Draft Schedule related to GNSO Council and Task Force/Working group meetings in Sao Paulo
  • From: "Nevett, Jonathon" <jnevett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:56:24 -0500
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AccSSMh6m6OGqPiSQIG7vymN+7k9TgAHYSQw
  • Thread-topic: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Draft Schedule related to GNSO Council and Task Force/Working group meetings in Sao Paulo

Here is some helpful information for those participating in the upcoming ICANN meeting.  Thanks.  Jon


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 12:17 PM
To: pdp-pcceg-feb06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pdp-pcceg-feb06] Draft Schedule related to GNSO Council and Task Force/Working group meetings in Sao Paulo


[To: liaison6c[at]gnso.icann.org; council[at]gnso.icann.org]

[To: gtld-council[at]gnso.icann.org; pdp-pcceg-feb06[at]gnso.icann.org]

[To: gnso-dow123[at]gnso.icann.org; gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx]


Dear All,


Attached please find a draft schedule that is specifically related to 

GNSO constituency and task force meetings that will take place in Sao Paulo.


Please let me know if you would like to add other details.

As the names of the rooms become available the schedule will be updated.


Please let me know if you intend to participate remotely.


Some useful information:

Internet Connectivity: The Internet connection in the Transamerica hotel

http://www.icannsaopaulo.br/local.htm rooms is wired and is free to participants of the meeting.  Wireless is

available in the meeting rooms and common areas of the hotel.


Registration: You will need to go to the registration desk, present 

picture identification and have your picture taken for your badge.  You 

will need to be wearing your badge to enter the meeting area.  This 

procedure is being followed at the recommendation of the local host in 

order to provide the best security possible to the meeting participants. 

  Your badge will contain a picture and a bar code - the badge will be 

scanned each time you enter the meeting area to make sure that the 

picture on the badge matches your smiling face.  All registration 

information including the pictures will be provided to ICANN at the end 

of the meeting - the local host will not retain any of this information.


Power:  Most outlets have both 110 and 220 power and are labeled. 

Please be aware of what power is required for the device you are 

plugging in to the socket.  Most laptops are multi volt and will be fine 

on either 110 or 220, but some devices such as cameras, cell phones 

might not be multi-volt.


Some tips: The blue and red taxis are radio taxis and are legitimate and 

safe.  You can have the hotel call a taxi for you - if you are going to 

a restaurant, have the restaurant call a taxi before you leave the 

restaurant.  Keep the windows in the taxi closed and put your personal 

possessions such as luggage or laptops in the trunk of the taxi where 

they cannot be seen by passersby.  There will be a desk in the main 

meeting area to help arrange for meeting participants to go shopping,

make reservations for dinner, arrange cars and guides.  As always, do 

not leave your personal items unattended, even in the meeting area or 

workrooms - this goes for laptops, phones, cameras, mp3 players, etc. 

Valuables should be left in the safe in your hotel room and not taken 

with you out of the meeting venue.  Copies of credit cards and your 

passport should be made and kept in a separate location from the 

original documents.



Thank you very much.

Kind regards,




Glen de Saint Géry

GNSO Secretariat - ICANN



Attachment: GNSO SCHEDULE-Sao Paulo.doc
Description: GNSO SCHEDULE-Sao Paulo.doc

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