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[registrars] Proposed Strategic Planning Consultation Week of 2 Nov

  • To: <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Proposed Strategic Planning Consultation Week of 2 Nov
  • From: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 09:15:53 +1100
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: Acb3poyxEJIHEuqNTX6LFPZAAHJvDgFIMXqg
  • Thread-topic: Proposed Strategic Planning Consultation Week of 2 Nov

See below from Kurt Pritz.  Please provide any feedback to Kurt.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Pritz 

Dear All:

As part of its strategic planning process ICANN recently posted an
issues paper describing areas of concern and focus voiced by the ICANN
community (http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-13sep06.htm).
The issues paper was developed through consultations at the ICANN
meeting in Marrakech and through other forums.

Based upon those consultations and feedback received since that time,
ICANN plans to write a draft Strategic Plan for presentation at the
upcoming ICANN meeting in Sao Paulo. In order to accomplish that, a
draft Strategic Plan, based on the issues paper and the input described
above will be released in the next week. In order to obtain meaningful
feedback on the draft plan, ICANN plans to hold consultations about the
draft plan by teleconference in the near future. The consultations will
be public; effort will be made to take comments in selected languages if
requests for that are made. Multiple consultations will be held to
accommodate schedules and time zones.

We plan that the consultation will occur the week of 2 November
(although the consultation can take place the following week). With your
permission, we will take the liberty of establishing times for the call
after receiving some guidance from you on how participation can best be
solicited from the supporting organisation or advisory committee that
you are associated with (i.e., through an existing mailing list, through
an announcement from you, or some other means).

Please contact me directly with potential timing and also with
suggestions you may have about meeting format.

Thanks in advance with you efforts concerning this.



Kurt Pritz
4676 Admiralty Way, #330
Marina del Rey, California

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