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[registrars] [Fwd: [elections-gnso] Convention Style Voting]

  • To: Registrars Constituency <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] [Fwd: [elections-gnso] Convention Style Voting]
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:44:26 -0400
  • Organization: Tucows Inc.
  • Reply-to: ross@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

I thought it might be useful to share with you the method and format of
voting that Council will be using to choose from the three candidates
for the ICANN Board of Directors. Also, this is a reminder for you to
send Tom, Bruce or I your comments regarding any of the candidates so
that we may properly make our choice at the time of the ballot.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [elections-gnso] Convention Style Voting
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 00:25:08 +0200
From: GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: elections-gnso@xxxxxxxxx


Dear All,

Please see page:

In addition please also note APPENDIX A. below which sets out various
scenarios in convention style voting.

Sample ballots have been sent out in preparation for the vote on
Thursday 8 June 2006 which will start at:
15:00 UTC
(8:00 LA, 11:00 EST, 12:00 Buenos Aires,  16:00 London, 17:00 Brussels,
18:00 Amman, 01:00 Melbourne,  03:00 Auckland Friday 9 June )

On June 15,  ( or before) at 15:00 UTC - All ballots from first round
must be returned to secretariat.
The Secretariat will announce the  results of the  first-round ballot on
the same day at   18:00 UTC -

 The second-round ballot  will be distributed by the secretariat on
June 15, at 18:00 UTC -
On June 21, (or before) at  15:00 UTC - All ballots from second round
must be returned to secretariat.


The voting will be "convention style" voting. This consists of
sequential rounds of voting until a single candidate receives a majority
of the votes on the GNSO Council.
After each round of voting that does not result in one candidate
receiving affirmative votes comprising a majority of the votes of all
the members of the GNSO Council, all candidates receiving zero votes are
eliminated from subsequent rounds. Also, all candidates receiving the
lowest non-zero number of votes are eliminated from subsequent rounds,
unless the aggregate number of votes cast for all such candidates with
the lowest number of votes would comprise half or more of all the votes
cast in that round.

Example Convention-Style Voting Scenarios
Scenario (i)
Candidate 1 receives 1 vote
Candidate 2 receives 13 votes
Candidate 3 receives 12 votes
In scenario (i), Candidate 1 is eliminated because he or she received
the lowest non-zero number of votes.
Candidates 2 and 3, appear on the ballot in the next round.

If all candidates except one have been eliminated and the next ballot
fails to result in a majority vote in favour of the last remaining
candidate, a meeting of the council will be convened to decide next steps.

In the final round, one candidate must receive a majority of the total
number of votes that all members of the GNSO may cast.

Example, assuming the total number of votes on the GNSO Council is 27
the majority is 14 votes.
Scenario (ii)
Candidate One = 0 votes
Candidate Two = 13 votes
Candidate Three = 13 votes
(one absent or abstaining)

In Scenario (ii), Candidate One would be eliminated. Candidates Two and
Three would appear together in the next round. The second stage of the
election would be to determine whether one of the candidates obtains a
majority of the votes, (14 or more).
Scenario (iii)
Candidate 1 = 9 votes
Candidate 2 = 9 votes
Candidate 3 = 9 votes
In Scenario (iii), no candidate would be eliminated; all three
candidates would appear on the next ballot.
Scenario (iv)
Candidate One = 8 votes
Candidate Two = 8 votes
Candidate Three = 9 votes
(two votes absent or abstaining)

In Scenario (iv), no Candidate would be eliminated since Candidates One
and Two received a total of 16 votes which comprises half or more of the
total votes cast that

Scenario (v)
Candidate One = 12
Candidate Two =  6
Candidate Three =  5

There would be a 2 candidate run off between Candidate One and Candidate
Two .

Scenario (vi)
Candidate One = 12
Candidate Two = 6
Candidate Three = 6

Candidate Two and Candidate Three would be eliminated and Candidate One
would run again. If the subsequent ballot would not result in a majority
for one candidate, a Council meeting would be called to decide the next
steps in the process.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat - ICANN





                "Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions.
                                           All life is an experiment.
                            The more experiments you make the better."
                        - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Contact Info:

Ross Rader
Director, Research & Innovation
Tucows Inc.
t. 416.538.5492
c. 416.828.8783

Get Started: http://start.tucows.com
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