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[registrars] Volunteers to assist in developing terms of reference for IDN policy

  • To: "Registrars Constituency" <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Volunteers to assist in developing terms of reference for IDN policy
  • From: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 16:25:47 +1000
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcZ7GcYfSumwc7b1TE26H4hKExwZxgCTeyrA
  • Thread-topic: Volunteers to assist in developing terms of reference for IDN policy

Hello All,

The GNSO Council is forming a working group of volunteers to consider
the IDN issues report available at:

Although the work will not be deeply technical in nature, volunteers
should have a good understanding of DNS technology and the IETF
standards for IDNs.   This group will not be developing any policies,
but analysing the issues in the issues report and identifying which
policy (as opposed to technical) issues should be studied first.  

See below for more information.

If you are interested, please let me know.

Bruce Tonkin
Registrars Rep on GNSO Council

Bruce Tonkin recommended that the GNSO form its own internal working
group to determine the GNSO view of the IDN issues report, and then have
three representatives from the GNSO working group meet with the three
representatives from the ccNSO to coordinate a shared vision of the
priority issues to address and identify the next steps (e.g whether to
work on a single PDP, or conduct the work as two separate PDPs).
The GNSO working group would report back to the GNSO Council for
approving any recommendation for a PDP process.

The timeline of the process would be for the internal GNSO working group
to meet in June 2006 to discuss the issues report, and then arrange a
meeting with the three ccNSO reps in Marrakech with the objective of
having recommendations for the GNSO and ccNSO Councils in July 2006.
Once the recommendations are made to the Councils, the working group
would be disbanded.

Motion 3:

Bruce Tonkin, seconded by Avri Doria, proposed a motion:
That the GNSO Council forms a GNSO working group of volunteers,
conversant with the IDN issues raised in the IDN issues report.

The purpose of the working group would be to:

(1) review the Issues Report,

(2) prioritise the policy issues in the Issues Report for further work,

(3) develop the terms of reference for an initial policy development
process in the area of IDNs within the GNSO,

(4) propose ways of interacting with ICANN groups such as the
President's Advisory Committee on IDNs, the GAC, ALAC, SSAC and other
related groups in ICANN, and

(5) select three representatives to interact with the three ccNSO
representatives to form a separate joint GNSO/ccNSO working group to:

   (5.1)  agree on the priority issues and determine whether to examine
the issues as a single "joint" PDP, or as two separate PDPs

   (5.2) provide a report to the GNSO and ccNSO Councils with
recommendations for terms of reference of one or more PDPs, and the
mechanisms for coordination with other parts of ICANN

The group would aim to have recommendations completed by the end of July

The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

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