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[registrars] Nomination of Dr Michael Geist, by a representative of the non-commercial constituency for ICANN Board seat #14

  • To: <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Nomination of Dr Michael Geist, by a representative of the non-commercial constituency for ICANN Board seat #14
  • From: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 17:05:55 +1000
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcZs7bDGTPvYHTNoSb2N6UBsAo7K6A==
  • Thread-topic: Nomination of Dr Michael Geist, by a representative of the non-commercial constituency for ICANN Board seat #14

Hello All,

The nomination period for ICANN Board seat #14 closes on Saturday 6 May
2006 at 17:00 UTC.  

So far there is one nomination, which is still waiting for a seconder.

The nomination for Michael Geist is as below.

After nominations close, the GNSO Council will vote for their preferred
candidate.  A Candidate must get a majority of the total votes that can
be cast to be elected.

See below.

Please provide feedback either to this public list, or directly to your
reps on the GNSO Council:
Bruce Tonkin, Ross Rader, and Tom Keller.

Bruce Tonkin

From: http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-nominations/msg00000.html


1a.  Full name of the nominee:  DR. MICHAEL A. GEIST
1b.  E-mail address of the nominee:  mgeist@xxxxxxxxxx
1c.  Country of citizenship of nominee: CANADIAN
2a.  Full name of the nominator: ROBIN GROSS
2b.  E-mail address of the nominator: robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

** Why NCUC Supports Dr. Michael Geist: **

Dr. Michael Geist would make an excellent candidate for the GNSO seat to
the ICANN Board because he possesses a deep understanding of the legal,
policy, and technical issues at ICANN. Dr. Geist is internationally
renowned as top legal scholar with expertise in Internet law, copyright
law, jurisdiction, e-Commerce, and other technology-related legal
issues. Dr. Geist has experience advising a large number of Internet
companies and non-profit organizations. Dr. Geist has served on the
Board of Directors of
the Canadian Internet Registration Authority since 2000, chairs the
Public Interest Registry's Global Advisory Council's Policy Committee,
and has experience with ccTLD and gTLD registries and their policies. He
will be a knowledgeable, fair and balanced Board Member with no personal
agenda or commercial interest at stake.

** BIO of DR. GEIST: **

Dr. Michael Geist is the Canada Research Chair of Internet and
Law at the University of Ottawa. He has obtained a Bachelor of Laws
(LL.B.) degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Master of Laws
(LL.M.) degrees from Cambridge University in the UK and Columbia Law
School in New York, and a Doctorate in Law (J.S.D.) from Columbia Law

Dr. Geist has written numerous academic articles and government reports
the Internet and law, is columnist on technology law issues that
appears in media outlets on five continents including North America (the
Toronto Star and Ottawa
Citizen), Europe (BBC), Asia (South China Morning Post), Africa (Kenya
Daily Nation), and South America (Santiago Times). He is the creator and
consulting editor of BNA's Internet Law News, a
daily Internet law news service, editor of the monthly newsletters,
Internet and E-commerce Law in Canada and the Canadian Privacy Law
(Butterworths), the founder of the Ontario Research Network for
E-commerce, on the advisory boards of several leading Internet law
publications including Electronic Commerce & Law Report (BNA), the
of Internet Law (Aspen) and Internet Law and Business (Computer Law
Reporter) as well as the author of the textbook Internet Law in Canada
(Captus Press) which is now in its third edition.

Dr. Geist's work has been recognized with several important awards and
grants including the 2002 Canadian Association of Law Teachers Scholarly
Paper Award and a major research grant from the SSHRC Initiative on the
New Economy for his research on Internet jurisdiction. In 2003, Dr.
became the first law professor to receive the Ontario Premier Research
Excellence Award, obtained a significant grant from Amazon.com to
establish Canada first technology law public interest litigation clinic
the University of Ottawa, was named one of Canada Top 40 Under 40, and
received the Public Leadership Award from Canarie for his contribution
to the Internet in Canada. He
is the former chair of a global Internet jurisdiction project for the
American Bar Association and International Chamber of Commerce. He is
regularly quoted in the national and international media on Internet law
issues and has appeared before government committees on e-commerce

A Full CV for Dr. Michael Geist is available here:

Dr. Michael Geist's website is available here:

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