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Re: [registrars] Extension of the nomination period until 1st May

At 08:45 AM 4/28/06, Bhavin Turakhia wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font face="arial">* Over and
above this I would like to <b>nominate &quot;Jay Westerdal&quot; to the
position of Secretary</b>, and I hope someone seconds the same, incase
John Berryhill remains silent until 1st May. In fact Jay has to my mind
been one of the more active participants in the Constituency, and I would
love for him to participate in the excomm (as long as he is
Dear Bhavin:&nbsp; The same thought came to me as I drove back from the
auto mechanic's place this morning.&nbsp; <br><br>
While it does not address the geographical factor, I would have nominated
Jay and therefore hasten to second his nomination.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is
something to say for having the Secretary more accessible to ICANN in
good 'ol Marina del Rey;-)<br><br>
Just so it doesn't get lost in the above prose, I hereby and heartily
second Jay's nomination for Secretary.<br><br>
Cordially, BobC</font></body>

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