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RE: [registrars] Stepping down from the Constituency Chair nomination

At 11:35 AM 4/27/06, Rob Hall wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">I am a little surprised by the
timing of your call for more people to<br>
step up.&nbsp; Not because I disagree with the content and sentiment of
message, but rather because you seem to be soliciting nominations
you have announced the nomination period closed.</blockquote><br>
Dear Rob: I can fully understand your statements.&nbsp; I think there are
extenuating circumstances.<br><br>
1. The period for nominations&nbsp; is set as &quot;not less than seven
days&quot;.&nbsp; But it can be and has often been more than seven
days.&nbsp; This year, we opened nominations much earlier than any other
year.&nbsp; See what the Rules say about closing nominations:<br><br>
<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2>III, 1. Whenever a position opens
requiring the election of a Member, the Constituency Chair shall call for
an election and the Secretary shall accept nominations for a period of<b>
</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size=2 color="#FF0000">no less than
7 days</b>. <br><br>
</font>2. Bhavin, from the Asia Pacific Region, was nominated, accepted
and seconded.&nbsp; His last minute withdrawal removed the small vestige
of regional diversity from the potential Excom and upset the
3. I really don't think I made any statement that nominations were
closed.&nbsp; I *did* post a list of nominees three days ago and pointed
out that *none_of_them* have completed all of the required formalities,
nomination, acceptance, seconding and conflict of interest
4.&nbsp; With the loss of Bhavin's nomination, with *all* other
candidates U.S. citizens, the equilibrium has been upset.&nbsp; There
have been many objections to the &quot;North American Centricity&quot; of
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&nbsp; Unless one of the
candidates did not get the second required, or their statements in, I
would assume that we have our slate of candidates.</blockquote><br>
On candidate has not accepted, has not been seconded, no confllict of
interest statement submitted.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&nbsp; I would also assume that
should we have a vacancy in a position that no one was sucessfully
nominated for, that we would have to start the nomination period over
again to let all interested parties come forward.<br><br>
Is it not inappropriate to be soliciting nominations after the time frame
has closed ?</blockquote><br>
They were not closed.<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">&nbsp; And given that you are a
nominee for a new position, should you perhaps be passing the process off
to someone else that is not a nominee, just to keep the optics clean ?
I see no such problem.&nbsp; I maintain objectivity.&nbsp; My interest is
in the credibility of Excom and its effect upon the
But I fullly agree with you in general, but, IMO, there are extenuating
Cordially, BobC<br><br>

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