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[registrars] FYI - New ICANN FORUM: Universal acceptance of all TLD names

  • To: <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] FYI - New ICANN FORUM: Universal acceptance of all TLD names
  • From: "Bhavin Turakhia" <bhavin.t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:50:27 +0530
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcSv1d84uVK81TQASye1DHEvlm1bbwAJPd3AAB7+qXAAAVfLYAE5CYMwAAEATTAAUCTAUAAYaAIgAB7eipAAAeexgA==

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellen Sondheim 
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:34 PM
Subject: Universal acceptance of all TLD names


As you know users of some TLDs currently faces problems related to the
universal acceptance of the TLDs in the sense that some TLD names (strings)
are rejected by some service providers or applications. The reason being
that the strings either exceed three characters in length or do not meet
other (faulty) specified formatting requirements.

As ICANN contemplates incorporation of additional TLDs into the root, a
central and authoritative source for information on TLDs becomes
increasingly important. In order for new TLDs to be widely accepted and
used, cooperation among the registry operators, ISPs, and others who deal
with domain names on a regular basis is key.  

To facilitate and foster cooperation among these groups, a discussion forum
on the topic of universal acceptance of all TLDs has been opened by ICANN.  

The archives of this forum will be publicly available at
. To join this discussion list, simply send a message to <majordomo (at)
icann.org> with the words "subscribe tld-acceptance" in the body of the

Participation in this forum is open to any interested person.

Those of you involved in education and outreach (or otherwise interested in
this topic) please feel free sign up as a member on this list and join the

An announcement has been made online regarding this discussion forum - under
new and noteworthy today. 

Please contact Tina Dam <dam@xxxxxxxxx> for questions or general discussions
on how to move forward in solving the present issues.


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