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[registrars] Proposed 2004 RC Budget

  • To: <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Proposed 2004 RC Budget
  • From: "Donna McGehee" <dmcgehee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:51:52 -0400
  • Importance: Normal
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Proposed 2004 RC Budget 

            Proposed annual membership fee:  $250.00


The below proposed budget is being posted to the Registrar's
Constituency for review and comments.  A vote will be held on this
budget in 30 days.  


RC INCOME:  $15,000.00

         Based on 60 members at $250.00 



RC Expenses - $32,155.40 - US Currency


$ 3,000.00       VotBot- Boardrooms.org / $250 monthly 

$   155.40        eFax / $12.95 monthly 

$ 10,000.00     Website Redesign

$ 5,000.00       Meeting Equipment and Services 

$ 3,000.00       Lunch for ICANN meetings 

$  1,000.00      Conference Calls 

$ 10,000.00     Staff Function: All of the organizational and
administrative activities of the RC are currently covered by volunteers.
It has been discussed that funding a part-time staff function may help
accelerate completion of issues. 



Estimated Balance for proposed Constituency Fee of $250.00  


$25,834.99      Current Balance 

$32,155.40      Proposed Expenses 

$15,000.00      Proposed Income 

Proposed Balance:  $8,679.59


Attachment: Proposed 2004 RC Budget.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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