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[registrars] phantom accreditations (exposed?)

  • To: Registrars List <Registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] phantom accreditations (exposed?)
  • From: Rick Wesson <wessorh@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:25:19 -0700 (PDT)
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Can anyone (paul, rob) speak to the following:

   It seems as though the folks that created the largest number of phantom
   accreditations are in fact the drop aggregation companies. It appears
   that momentus (Rob Hall) incorporated a huge number of organizations
   and then had them all partner with pool.com; thus dividing the pool.com
   partners pie.

   Apparently eNom did the same... Incorporating a large number of
   organizations and competing with their partners in their "drop club"

I expect most of the other "big" players have executed similar stragities.

What bothers me the most is...

   o the aggrigator (pool.com, eNom) cry "no-fair" but don't seem to be
     playing fair either.

   o the aggrigators of connections have incorporated the most phantom

   o apparently, greed wins again.

   o ICANN is completely inept at handling this situation

the here-say is that Jeff (AAAQ.com) started all this with starting 25 new

I'd appreciate anyone enlighting us regarding any of the above. Its all
here-say and the only indication I have is the pool.com -vs- VeriSign
lawsuit where many of the accreditations listed on that document are both
pool partners and affiliated with momentus. the rest comes from tracking
the IANA Registrar (Global ID) from the IANA archive of Assigned Numbers.



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