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[registrars] In order to keep track

  • To: registrars@xxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [registrars] In order to keep track
  • From: Jean-Michel Becar <jmbecar@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 13:34:25 +0900
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Dear registrars,

I wanted to maintain a to do list or things to be followed up so here is my list. This list can be used to make sure we discussed and reach a consensus on the topics. As today we are discussing things only in emergency when it happens and then we tend to forget about it. So my idea of a constituency well managed is to make sure we cover all the important points for our business and we got decisions and/or global positions on them.
Feel free to add any topic which doesn't appear on my list:

- ICANN Budget
I really think this topic should be always on our agenda, if we refer to rick's email it's obvious that things will change in the future so that budget will adapt accordingly to the market behaviour.

- Registrar constuency budget
Would be nice to have an regular update on that

- Registry EPP migration to 1.0
There is a group of registrars working on that would be nice to know where we are and to make sure all registrars express their concerns about that particular subject. For example I'm still not sure if the dates format will be harmonized or not trough all the registries.

- New transfer policy
On nov 12 th we will have to start and to watch that new transfer policy and a regaular update on that would be nice.
How registrars handled the standarization email form for example.
How non englisg registrars handled it.....
And we really need to follow up the UNDO mechanism will it work?

- Whois
The discussion has been on going for years now and still some work has to be done.
Where are we? Is there any progress in the working groups?
Do the registrars have a final common view on the Whois?

- .net redelegation
As we will be impacted with a new migration will be nice to make sure we as registrars we have a say in that.

- Epired Domain deletion policy, Whois marketing restriction, and restored names accuracy policy
Those new policies have to be introduced on Nov 12th

As you can see we have a lot to follow up but the mailing list stay quiet....so I was wondering why ?
Why don't we have regular tel conf to make sure we are on track,
So my final word for today will be let's get organized and I hope the new chair will bring that organization to us.


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