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[registrars] FW: Conference Call Invitation for 04/05/2004 03:00 PM

  • To: <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] FW: Conference Call Invitation for 04/05/2004 03:00 PM
  • From: "Elana Broitman" <ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 11:32:24 -0400
  • Cc: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Neuman, Jeff" <Jeff.Neuman@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Bruce Beckwith" <bbeckwith@xxxxxxx>, <halloran@xxxxxxxxx>, <dam@xxxxxxxxx>, "Registrars Executive Committee" <rc-excom@xxxxxx>, "Pamela Miller" <pmiller@xxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcQYyQbvw+i8mUBzQjS1MJtS3DVmmgCWZXqA
  • Thread-topic: Conference Call Invitation for 04/05/2004 03:00 PM

As you all are aware, there are several registry-registrar changes scheduled for the next 3-4 months.  One is the change to transfers, and the other to EPP.  We have scheduled a call with the registry constituency in order to begin to go through these changes and understand the potential impact on our systems, and make suggestions as appropriate.  There will be several other calls in order to continue providing updates.



1. Very brief overview of EPP migration issues (registries)

2. Clarification and discussion of the 135-day requirement for EPP migration (registries)

3. Registrars to raise concerns regarding the EPP migration (registrars)

Transfer Policy

4. Process update regarding the new transfer policy (registries)

5. Key elements of the new transfer policy (registrars)

6. Registry development issues (registries) - e.g., undo mechanism

7. Registrar development issues (registrars)

Elana Broitman 
575 Eighth Avenue 
New York, NY 10018 
Phone (212) 798-9215 
EFax  (800) 886-2716 
Fax   (212) 629-9309 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Connelly [mailto:reservation-BVKAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 10:42 AM
To: Elana Broitman
Subject: Conference Call Invitation for 04/05/2004 03:00 PM

 You Are Invited <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/invited_550x75.jpg> 	
Elana Broitman,	
You have been invited by Robert  <mailto:rconnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Connelly to join a conference call as a Conference Organizer.   Please review the conference details and information on how to accept or decline this invitation.	

  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/banded_topl_7x7.gif> 	  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/banded_topr_7x7.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Conference Details	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Subject:	 Joint Registry-Registrar Teleconference on EPP migration.

  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Comments/Agenda:	 Elana specified 09:00 EST, but we are now on Daylight Savings Time, so I set it for 09:00 EDT. Regards, BobC

  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Date:	 Thursday, April 08, 2004	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Start Time:	 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	End Time:	 10:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Dial-in Number:	 1-831-600-1010 (Santa Cruz, California)	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Participant Access Code:	 61543	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	
  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	Organizer Access Code:	 *405733 (you must include the leading star key)	   <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/spacer.gif> 	

  <http://www.conferencemgr.com/Images/Default/excl_band0_14x24.gif> 	Note:  The Organizer Access Code is only necessary for use of enhanced conference controls.   Otherwise, you can just use the Participant Access Code.	
Please Select a Way to RSVP	

via the Web:	 Accept/Decline <http://rsvp.teleconnection.com/RSVP.asp?Q=AQNXX&E=ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 	

via email:	 Accept <mailto:AQNXX-accept-814635@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  or  Decline <mailto:AQNXX-decline-814635@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 	 (you can include a personal message for the conference Organizer in the body of your email)	

Touch-Tone Quick Reference for Conference Call	
0	  Exit the Conference	
1	  Enter a 1-on-1 Consultation	
2	  Get Your Caller Code for a Private Consultation	
4	  Access the Help Menu	
5	  Toggle Locking/Unlocking the Room	
6	  Toggle Mute/Unmute	
7	  Toggle Room Muting Mode (Conversation/Q&A/Presentation)	
8	  Time Remaining in the Conference	
9	  Toggle Entry/Exit Chimes (On/On, On/Off, Off/On, Off/Off)	
#	  Hear the Number of Parties in the Conference	
   Touch-Tones 5, 7 and 9 are available only to the conference Organizer	

For your convenience, we have attached a calendar entry containing your conference details.   Depending on which operating system and calendar program you use, you can drag and drop, double-click or download the attached file into your calendar.

See you there!

 <http://www.teleconnection.com/?source=invitation> Set up your own conference at www.teleconnection.com GUID=810639 

Attachment: CalendarItem 502248106393.vcs
Description: CalendarItem 502248106393.vcs

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