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Re: [registrars] Draft Registrar Submission to TF1

On 4/2/2004 11:52 AM Elana Broitman noted that:

Thanks Paul - I did some editing and am attaching a new version. My edits are not meant to change the substance of the document, but to clarify some of the points.

When do we need to finalize this?

The Names Council extended the mid-March deadline for submissions to April 19.

Note: These positions should ideally be consistent with ICANN's bylaw requirements regarding the PDP;;


1. Constituency Statements. The Representatives will each be responsible for soliciting the position of their constituencies, at a minimum, and other comments as each Representative deems appropriate, regarding the issue under consideration. This position and other comments, as applicable, should be submitted in a formal statement to the task force chair (each, a "Constituency Statement") within thirty-five (35) calendar days after initiation of the PDP. Every Constituency Statement shall include at least the following:

(i) If a Supermajority Vote was reached, a clear statement of the constituency's position on the issue;

(ii) If a Supermajority Vote was not reached, a clear statement of all positions espoused by constituency members;

(iii) A clear statement of how the constituency arrived at its position(s). Specifically, the statement should detail specific constituency meetings, teleconferences, or other means of deliberating an issue, and a list of all members who participated or otherwise submitted their views;

(iv) An analysis of how the issue would affect the constituency, including any financial impact on the constituency; and

(v) An analysis of the period of time that would likely be necessary to implement the policy.



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