Re: [registrars] Fwd: Press Release of 26/03/2004, United Nations ICT Task Force
For greater clarity, my comments to Eric were relative. I have asked numerous people in numerous forums who complain about ICANN to provide me with a model for governance that is more transparent and more open and could be used as an ideal for ICANN to move toward. The only answer I have ever received in maybe ten times I asked this was one person who suggested the IETF. I would differ in substance with this on numerous grounds, the most important of which is that the IETF (which I think is quite appropriate for its subject matter) deals with narrow technical issues and if you do not bring a technical view to the discussion you are not part of it. Full stop. Anyways, Eric didn't answer either. So the challenge stands...... Regards Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine wrote: Happy day-before-April-Fools everyone, After the amazing 11-0-1 vote on the WLS issue by the BoD on the 6th, Elliot came by to buck me up over lunch on the theory that ICANN is a pretty wonderful, democratic, transparent organization. Milage varies. The United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (ITU) met a few days ago in New York. The press release is at this URL: What caught my eye was this gem: Various private-sector participants reminded the Forum that if it works don't fix it, that the best governance is the least governance, and that ICANN was making good progress in becoming more transparent and inclusive. There was no mention of private-sector participants having any other view on the subject. If there was "least", and therefore "best" governance, Verisign would be the unified registrar/registry for com/net/org, and there wouldn't be any new TLDs, and a "Registrar" Constituency would not exist.The evidence of "good progress in becoming more transparent and inclusive" has managed to escape me, for instance I've no idea why any member of theBoD voted the way they all (but one) did on the WLS question. Which of the three basic theories swayed them? That VGRS is more moral? That WLS has more value? That ICANN was contractually obligated? The words "competition" and "monopoly" do not appear in the press release. Suggestions anyone? Off-list is fine. Happy end-o-March, Eric USA Webhost/Wampumpeag -- Elliot Noss Tucows Inc. 416-538-5494