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Re: [registrars] Congressional Hearing

On 2/13/2004 12:47 PM Rick Wesson noted that:

If I were to hand a registrar a list of domains that had invalid
registrant data -- a long list. And those domains were never updated with
correct information, would you advocate that the registrar must delete
said domains?

Every day we stick dozens of letters in the mail as we work through the Whois problem reports that ICANN sends us. The goal is to verify, as a final resort, whether or not the mailing address for a particular registrant is valid. Those registrants whose mail comes back as undeliverable will typically lose their domain name. We have an entire department that deals with these sorts of regulatory requirements.

So, if you question is: does Tucows intend to comply with its registrar accreditation agreement and other relevant contracts, the answer is an unqualified yes.

On the other hand, if your question is: "If I ran Fraudit against the Whois database and gave you a list of domains with potentially inaccurate information, would you do anything about it?" my response would be quite different.



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