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RE: [registrars] Registrar reps on GNSO Council

  • To: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [registrars] Registrar reps on GNSO Council
  • From: "Elana Broitman" <ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 21:47:27 -0500
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcOhbfZcslflkQ4CQaGHawO/w5iiMQB2RtKc
  • Thread-topic: Registrar reps on GNSO Council

Ross - congratulations!  You should also be added to the ExCom emails and calls.
Talk to you soon, Elana

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Bruce Tonkin [mailto:Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
	Sent: Sun 11/2/2003 1:20 PM 
	To: registrars@xxxxxxxx 
	Subject: [registrars] Registrar reps on GNSO Council

	Hello All, 

	The ICANN Board decided to continue with 3 representatives on the GNSO 
	Council until the end of the annual meeting in 2004 (see resolution 

	Thus our reps on the GNSO Council are now (based on our recent 
	Bruce Tonkin 
	Thomas Keller 
	Ross Rader 

	Bruce Tonkin 
	Registrar rep on GNSO Council 

	From ICANN Board meeting: 

	Whereas, the GNSO Council has requested on 14 August 2003, that the 
	change to the number of constituency representatives on the GNSO Council 
	remain unchanged at three (3) representatives per constituency instead 
	of two (2) representatives per constituency as is scheduled to occur at 
	the end of this 2003 Annual Meeting. 

	Whereas, the GNSO Council's predecessor organization DNSO Names Council 
	requested on 1 August 2002, that the GNSO Council be made up of three 
	(3) representatives per constituency. 

	Whereas, Article I, Section 2 (4) sets out as a core value that: 
	-"Seeking and supporting broad, informed participation reflecting the 
	functional, geographic, and cultural diversity of the Internet at all 
	levels of policy development and decision-making." 

	Whereas, Article XX, Section 5 (8), in setting out the originally 
	proposed transition that: "In the absence of further action on the topic 
	by the New Board, each of the GNSO constituencies shall select two 
	representatives to the GNSO Council...." 

	Whereas, the Board wishes to take action in support of the GNSO Council 
	and in response to the GNSO Council's request. 

	Resolved [03.164] to change the transition article (Article XX) to allow 
	three representatives per constituency on the GNSO Council until the end 
	of the ICANN annual meeting 2004; 

	Resolved [03.165] to perform a review of the GNSO Council in or around 
	July 2004 which should include among other aspects of the review 
	criteria, an analysis of the efficacy of having three representatives 
	from each constituency on the GNSO Council. 

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