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Re: [ispcp] IGO INGO Report

thanks Osvaldo,

that's precisely the list i was hoping for. 

George Kirikos has filed the only public-comment so far, here's the link:


he refers to that ECOSOC General Consultative Status list that you've mentioned in the "lists also being considered" links.  now that the Initial Report is out, has that list been dropped from consideration?  or is it still being considered for inclusion?  i share George's concern that this represents a *really* big swath of names and acronyms to put on a reserved list.  we've come quite a distance from RCRC/IOC…  :-)



On Sep 27, 2013, at 1:40 PM, "Novoa, Osvaldo" <onovoa@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Mikey asked about a list of all the names and acronyms considered for protection.  There is no one list with all the names and acronyms but from the report we can extract:
> The identifiers loaded into Spec 5 of the new Registry Agreement are the most authoritative:  http://www.icann.org/sites/default/files/packages/reserved-names/ReservedNames.xml; it contains:
> ·         RCRC - Scope 1
> ·         IOC - Scope 1
> ·         IGO (GAC list from 22 March 2013) - Scope 1 & Scope 2
> Lists also being considered by the WG, but not placed on Spec 5 (never a part of GAC advice):
> ·         RCRC - Scope 2 (189 Societies + 6 Acronyms; a definitive list of the 189 names has yet to be provided by the RCRC as far as I know)
> ·         INGO - Scope 1 (ECOSOC General Consultative Status) & Scope 2 (ECOSOC Special Consultative Status)
> This is the best we have.
> Best regards,
> <att76fd4.bmp>Osvaldo Novoa
> Subgerente General
> Antel
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> Montevideo, 11800
> Uruguay
> Tel.  +598 2928 6400
> Fax. +598 2928 6401
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