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Re: [ispcp] "IDN basics" videos are up on our site

  • To: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ispcp] "IDN basics" videos are up on our site
  • From: Mark Elkins <mje@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 19:40:09 +0200
  • Cc: "ispcp@xxxxxxxxx" <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>, Chris Wright <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Steve Sheng <steve.sheng@xxxxxxxxx>
  • In-reply-to: <7855B92E-C991-46E9-882A-1C0B862639FF@haven2.com>
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Organization: Posix Systems
  • References: <7855B92E-C991-46E9-882A-1C0B862639FF@haven2.com>
  • Reply-to: mje@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for sharing these recordings.
Now I begin to understand what Language Tables are all about and why
Variances are important. Of course - it appears that "cafe.com" and
"café.com" have two completely different Registrants... then again -
after finding that "posix.eu" was already registered (to a Canadian??),
I went and registered "pösix.eu" so I had something to experiment with.

Wearing my ISP hat, I have added a very basic form of IDN to my
Registrar system - which relies on calls like:
(I'm using PHP)...

Seems to work but I'd love to be pointed further in the right direction
- working examples...

Wearing a "AfTLD" hat, I've volunteered to help promote IDN around
Africa (I live in South Africa).

Wearing a New-gTLD Applicant (dotafrica) hat - I'm curious what would be
needed to eventually support Arabic, French/Portuguese/Spanish and maybe
with time, Amharic (Ethiopia)..

Has anyone shared (or made "open source") Language Tables and/or
canonical mappings for Arabic?

So much to learn about...

On Sun, 2013-08-25 at 07:38 -0500, Mike O'Connor wrote:
> hi all,
> i walked out of our last call with an action item to get cracking on
> the "educate Mikey about IDNs" project that Chris Wright (of the
> dotShavaka Registry
> (http://xn----1mcbc7cp0fnu.xn--mgbaam7a8h/index-en.php) dreamed up in
> Durban.
> i'm happy to report that we finished it up last week and i've posted
> the result to our web site.  i think it's great.  i learned a *lot*
> about IDNs and feel a lot more comfortable talking about them in a
> policy context.  here's the link to the series:
> http://www.ispcp.info/policy-resources/idns-a-brief-whirlwind-tour/
> and here's what is covered:
> Session 1: Introduction to IDNs (24:49) – covers the basics of DNS,
> ASCII, Unicode, languages and scripts. It focuses on how computers
> process domain names. After the session, users will have a better
> understanding of the following concepts: encoding systems, ASCII, case
> insensitivity of domain names, Unicode, code point, and challenges of
> Unicode.
> Session 2: Introduction to IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names for
> Applications) (14:40) – covers the basics of the IDNA protocol. After
> the session, users will have a better understanding of: what IDNA
> does, punycode encoding and decoding, U-Labels and A-Labels.
> Sessions 3: IDN Registrations and Registry/Registrar operations
> (25:36) –  covers the basics of registry and registrar operational
> practices that are needed to support  IDNs. After the session, users
> will have a better understanding of what registries need to do to
> support IDNs, when/where the registry/registrar interaction takes
> place.
> Session 4: Blocking Variants (15:02) – covers the basics of variants
> of IDNs and how a registry could provision them in order to maintain
> the security of an IDN namespace. It provides examples of variants,
> the security issues they pose, challenges of supporting variants, and
> one registry’s practice to handle variant blocking.
> Session 5: Activating Variants (16:46) – covers the basics of blocked
> vs active variants, what the challenges of activating variants are
> from a registry’s perspective, and Shavaka Registy’s approach to
> active variants.
> Session 6: IDNs putting it all together (15:15) – a brief review of
> the topics covered in this series, an overview of some of the
> challenges for IDN adoption and a brief discussion of why IDNs matter.
> Here’s a link to the slide deck that Chris used during the
> conversation.
> the whole series comes to something over 3 hours -- so i'd suggest
> taking it in a few bites rather than all at once.  but most of the
> bites are pretty manageable -- about 15 minutes long.  there are a
> couple 25 minute ones that cover topics that just didn't split up very
> well.  
> see what you think.  all the credit for the good ideas belongs to
> Chris Wright and Steve Sheng.  all the bad ideas are mine.
> mikey
> PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE:
> OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

  .  .     ___. .__      Posix Systems - (South) Africa
 /| /|       / /__       mje@xxxxxxxxxxx  -  Mark J Elkins, Cisco CCIE
/ |/ |ARK \_/ /__ LKINS  Tel: +27 12 807 0590  Cell: +27 82 601 0496

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