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[ispcp] Fw: [Soac-infoalert] Call for Volunteer Members - Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team

  • To: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] Fw: [Soac-infoalert] Call for Volunteer Members - Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team
  • From: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:51:40 +0200
  • Importance: Normal
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Best regards


From: Larisa B. Gurnick 
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:52 PM
To: soac-infoalert@xxxxxxxxx 
Cc: Denise Michel 
Subject: [Soac-infoalert] Call for Volunteer Members - Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team

Dear All,


On 18 July, the Board passed a Resolution directing the CEO to commence the process under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) for convening the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT).    As a result, we are seeking volunteers for this Review Team.  As the AoC calls for the Review Team to include representatives of the relevant SO/ACs, you are being provided an opportunity to endorse individuals interested in serving as volunteer members of this Review Team, in accordance with the process described below.  


The public announcement and invitation to apply will take place on 16 August (see attachment), with the applications due by 1 October, at which time the names of interested candidates requesting your respective endorsements will be provided to you.  Endorsements will be due by 4 November, and will be taken into account in the selection process.  In selecting members, the Chair of the Governmental Advisory Committee  and ICANN President and  CEO  will ensure that the Review Team is diverse and representative of the ICANN community.

Composition of the CCT-RT will include: 

- The Chair of the GAC (or designated nominee, per the AoC);

- The CEO of ICANN (or designated nominee, per the AoC);

- Representatives of the relevant ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations (GNSO, ALAC, GAC, SSAC);

- Independent experts.


You may wish to let the deadline pass without further action if your organization does not have an interest in endorsing a candidate for this Review Team.


The schedule for convening this Review Team is as follows:

      Announcement and call for volunteers
     16 August 2013
      Applications due
     1 October 2013
      SO/AC endorsement of applicants due
     4 November 2013
      Announcement of Team members 
     22 November 2013
      Phase 1 project kick-off
     December 2013/January 2014


Please see the attached Call for Volunteers for additional information.


Larisa B. Gurnick

Consultant/Senior Director, Organizational Reviews

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


310 383-8995


soac-infoalert mailing list

Attachment: Call for volunteers - Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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