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Re: [ispcp] Reminder: Call for Volunteers: Drafting Team to Develop Charter for a GNSO Working Group on GNSO Metrics & Reporting

  • To: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ispcp] Reminder: Call for Volunteers: Drafting Team to Develop Charter for a GNSO Working Group on GNSO Metrics & Reporting
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 09:10:37 -0500
  • Cc: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • In-reply-to: <C6261833EEB348C6A114096A2FB07FAB@WUKPC>
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <C6261833EEB348C6A114096A2FB07FAB@WUKPC>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

just FYI, i've volunteered to be on this one -- it's kinda my fault that this got started, as it's a carryover from the RAPWG.  i'd love some company if anybody wants to join me, but the ISPCP is represented.


On Jul 9, 2013, at 8:28 AM, WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Best regards
> Wolf-Ulrich
> From: Glen de Saint Géry
> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 8:40 PM
> To: mailto:tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; Novoa, Osvaldo ; WUKnoben
> Cc: gnso-secs@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Reminder: Call for Volunteers: Drafting Team to Develop Charter for a GNSO Working Group on GNSO Metrics & Reporting
> Dear Tony,
> We would like to bring to your notice, and that of your members, this call for volunteers for a drafting team to develop a Charter for a GNSO Working Group on GNSO Metrics & Reporting and encourage them to join this group so that all constituencies and stakeholder groups are represented in the policy development. 
> process.http://gnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-04jun13-en.htm
> Call for Volunteers: Drafting Team to Develop Charter for a GNSO Working Group on GNSO Metrics & Reporting
> In Brief
> The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council seeks volunteers to serve on a Drafting Team (DT) that will develop a charter for a new Working Group (WG). The GNSO Metrics & Reporting WG will be tasked with exploring opportunities with respect to reporting and metrics recommendations that could better inform policy development via fact-based decision making, where applicable. The Drafting Team is expected to submit the proposed Charter to the GNSO Council for approval.
> What This Team Will Do
> The Drafting Team is expected to develop a Charter on the basis of the GNSO Working Group Guidelines taking into account the Final Issue Report on Uniformity of Reporting, which recommended that such a Working Group should review how the community can collaborate with contracted parties and other service providers in the sharing of complaint and abuse data that may also further educate Registrants and Internet users in submission of complaints to the appropriate party. Such a Working Group could also investigate more formal processes for requests of data, metrics and other reporting needs from the GNSO that may aid in GNSO policy development efforts.
> How This Team Will Work
> ICANN Working Groups use transparent, open processes. The meetings of this DT will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to the public. The mailing list for the Drafting Team will be archived publicly. Drafting Team members are expected to submit Statements of Interest (SOI). The group will collaborate using a public workspace. The Drafting Team is expected to follow the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.
> How to Join
> The GNSO Council invites interested parties to provide names of expected participants who can then be added to the DT mailing list. The DT will be open to anyone interested to join. Community members who wish to be invited to join the group should contact the GNSO secretariat(gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxx).
> Background
> In 2010, the Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAPWG) identified in its Final Report the 'need for more uniformity in the mechanisms to initiate, track, and analyze policy-violation reports'. The RAPWG as a result recommended in its Final Report that 'the GNSO and the larger ICANN community in general, create and support uniform reporting processes'. The GNSO in collaboration with the community and ICANN Contractual Compliance deliberated the issues through due diligence analysis, a review of current state compliance reporting systems, and future state implementation plans within ICANN. Based on the information gathered, the GNSO Council recommended the creation of an Issue Report to further research metrics and reporting needs in hopes to better aid the policy development process. The report created by ICANN Staff further outlined accomplishments regarding reporting and metrics for the Contractual Compliance function and it also reviewed other reporting sources that may be of relevance.
> On 9 May 2013, the GNSO Council approved the report's recommendations to await any further action regarding Contractual Compliance metrics and reporting until the conclusion of their three-year plan towards the end of 2013. At such time the GNSO Council will consider other actions, if any. In the meantime, the GNSO Council also adopted the recommendation to form a non-PDP Working Group tasked with exploring opportunities of reporting and metrics recommendations that could better inform policy development via fact-based decision making, where applicable. An availability review of both ICANN internal and external data sources is expected to be performed to help inform the deliberations of the WG.
> More information can be found on the GNSO Metrics & Reporting WG page.
> Please let us know if you have any questions.
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> Glen
> Glen de Saint Géry
> GNSO Secretariat
> gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://gnso.icann.org

PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE: OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

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