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[ispcp] Fw: Senior Executive Roundtable with ISPs and Telecoms

  • To: "Rotert Michael" <michael.rotert@xxxxxx>, "Summa Harald" <Harald.Summa@xxxxxx>, "Rickert Thomas" <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Sueme Oliver" <sueme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] Fw: Senior Executive Roundtable with ISPs and Telecoms
  • From: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 09:28:03 +0100
  • Importance: Normal
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: "WUKnoben" <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Best regards

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

From: David Olive 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 12:18 AM
To: tony holmes ; WUKnoben ; Mike O'Connor ; Novoa, Osvaldo 
Cc: Robert Hoggarth 
Subject: Senior Executive Roundtable with ISPs and Telecoms

FYI    Regards,      David


David A. Olive
Vice President, Policy Development Support
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
1101 New York Avenue, NW - Suite 930 
Washington, D.C.    20005
Office: 202.570.7126      Mobile:  202.341.3611
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