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[ispcp] RE: IANA response

  • To: Tony Holmes <tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ispcp@xxxxxxxxx" <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] RE: IANA response
  • From: <alain.bidron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 09:32:43 +0200
  • Accept-language: fr-FR
  • Acceptlanguage: fr-FR
  • In-reply-to: <002d01cc464b$7be92430$73bb6c90$@btinternet.com>
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <002d01cc464b$7be92430$73bb6c90$@btinternet.com>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcxGSxhQPqiDmbNmTiSHOFhqf4EIzwAY2wwQ
  • Thread-topic: IANA response

Thank you Tony.
I think, in line with the comments received during our conf call that we have also to redraft the sentence below.
"assuming that it has complied with all transparency and accountability obligations as set out in the Affirmation of Commitments. "

As Olivier said I think it is good to maintain de reference to the AoC, but may be not expressed that way.
Do you have, you or Thomas, some suggestion?


Alain Bidron

Head of Naming Addressing Numbering Unit

tel.    + 33 1 57 36 17 24

mob. + 33 6 87 65 90 94


De : Tony Holmes [mailto:tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : mardi 19 juillet 2011 21:39
À : ispcp@xxxxxxxxx; BIDRON Alain OLNC/NAD
Objet : IANA response


Attached are some proposed additions/modifications to the draft response on IANA previously circulated by Alain.



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