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[ispcp] WG: [council] Motion re. VI WG

  • To: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] WG: [council] Motion re. VI WG
  • From: <KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 09:06:20 +0200
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: Actf/ylTpAteaizMQ0K0HUGFC5+RogAbqQRw
  • Thread-topic: [council] Motion re. VI WG

For discussion at our next call.
Do we have a date already?

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben 



	Von: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Gomes, Chuck
	Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. September 2010 19:53
	An: Council GNSO
	Betreff: [council] Motion re. VI WG 

	<<Motion - VI Board Response 29 Sep 10.doc>> 

	In response to the Board retreat resolution regarding VI and in
order to meet the 8-day advance requirement for motions, I am submitting
this motion and would appreciate a second.  Please forward this to your
SGs and constituencies to determine support for the motion on 7 October.


	I am not opposed to other ways of accomplishing this, but
thought that a motion is a clear way to kick it off.


Attachment: Motion - VI Board Response 29 Sep 10.doc
Description: Motion - VI Board Response 29 Sep 10.doc

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