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[ispcp] Brief notes and actions from ISPCP constituency conference call 15th April 2009

  • To: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] Brief notes and actions from ISPCP constituency conference call 15th April 2009
  • From: "Tony Holmes" <tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:50:01 +0100
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=btinternet.com; h=Received:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version:Content-Type:X-Mailer:Thread-Index:X-MimeOLE; b=aj2Q5Ut4Sw+GmZ+mBPVtl1vLKZqV65rMAlQF1Blo4QONqH8E2lu5HTSob+RMAPonAIfC5p69O4ihLGVbA0/msyw4bcVx9QQgy7ur+8Ye58k+9vnNfTdm9MseHt/LJ8QO2sw+hLy0wa6xQ2mcpvjsN6OVMcCuhiMrigyQqaWDP5k= ;
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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To all ISPCP members


Below are the draft notes from yesterday's conference call. Comments are
welcome for the next 7 days, following which the final version will be
placed on the ISPCP web site.


Please note the date for the next call - 11th May 2009










ISPCP Conference call held 15th April 2009-04-16


1.	Update from GNSO Reform Working Groups

Update on progress provided by ISPCP reps to the OSC, PPSC, GOT, PDPT teams.

ISPCP representation on these committees does not currently align with the
planned arrangements discussed at the ISPCP Constituency meeting in Mexico
City. Details shown on the relevant Wiki sites are also out of alignment.

Action: - Tony Holmes & Wolf-Ulrich Knoben to provide an updated
participation list covering ISPCP participation and circulate to all members
for comment and ratification.

-          Final agreed participation list to be forwarded to the GNSO
secretariat with a request to update Wiki information.

Concern expressed over the rate of progress within working groups and the
need for improved coordination. It appears that having everything completed
in order to seat the new GNSO Council at the Sydney meeting remains an
unachievable target.


A brief discussion took place over a paper recently received as an input
from Ron Andruff to the OSC Ops team for their meeting later that day which
proposed a set of high level operating principles. It was agreed the ISPCP
reps should request more time to discuss this internally and no decision
should be taken during today's meeting


2.	ISPCP, BC & IP notification to the Board on GNSO Reform

Attention was drawn to the background and formation of a Resolution (below)
that had been passed to the Board expressing concern over lack of progress
made within the Non-Commercial Stakeholder group covering requirements
placed upon them during the discussions over a compromised solution on GNSO


Whereas the entire GNSO restructuring compromise of July 2008 was contingent
on the replacement of the existing NCUC with a Non-Commercial and
Individuals Stakeholder Group with the breadth, comprehensiveness and
representativeness of the other three SGs; 


Whereas the creation of a Non-Commercial and Individuals Stakeholder Group
with 6 seats on Council (a 100% increase from historic levels) was also
contingent on a deep involvement from the at-large organisation in order to
benefit from the years of work in building up the ALSs and RALOs as a
credible way to solicit the input of individuals into GNSO policy making;


Whereas none of the above has yet occurred;


Whereas the BC, IPC and ISPCPs intentionally sacrificed 3 of their current 9
seats to make room for this broader non-commercial group and for the
involvement of individuals via the at-large organisation in the belief that
individuals and commercial users would share a commonality of purpose;



The undersigned on behalf of their Constituencies request the Board:

1. To suspend the current timetable for GNSO structural reform until this
change is seen to have taken place in the Non-Commercial & Individuals
Stakeholder Group;

2. To direct staff to draw up by-law changes to reinstate 9 seats for the
proposed Commercial Stakeholders Group and 3 seats for the Non-Commercial &
Individuals Stakeholder Group should there be no positive development by 30
April 2009.


For the BC, its Officers:

Philip Sheppard

Mike Rodenbaugh

Zahid Jamil


For the IPC:

Steve Metalitz - President


For the ISPCP:

Tony Holmes - Chairman


3.	New GNSO Constituencies

Attention was drawn to the recent posting proposing a new Consumers
Constituency, see

Whilst not directly commenting on this proposal, the ISPCP remain concerned
over an approach that enables new Constituencies to be created and dropped
in a random fashion and the ability of individual's to form loose coalitions
of like minds that have the potential to destabilise representation within
stakeholder groups.


4.	Formal communication between Constituencies and the Board

Attention was drawn to information recently supplied by the GNSO policy
staff showing examples that align with the temporary Board communication
process which the Board set up in Cairo to formally submit Constituency
resolutions to the Board.   The aim is ensure timely and effective delivery
of the message to all Board members and posting on their formal Board lists.
The Board is still working on finalizing a long-term process for effectively
delivering and circulating communications from community leaders and the
public to the Board.


5.	ICANN Board Review

Wolf-Ulrich Knoben presented the initial input he had circulated to the
ISPCP list and Jaime Wagner the comments he had submitted. Consensus was
achieved on the point that the number of Board members shouldn't be reduced,
but not on remuneration for Board members.

Action: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben to produce draft ISPCP input and circulate for


6.	Date of next call

The next ISPCP call will take place on Monday 11th May at 13.30 UTC.









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