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[ispcp] FW: [liaison6c] GNSO Council Restructuring

  • To: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] FW: [liaison6c] GNSO Council Restructuring
  • From: "Mark McFadden" <mcfadden@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 16:27:14 -0500
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Organization: ISPCP Secretariat
  • Reply-to: <mcfadden@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: Acj2eAMvHZrW2HwYSFC8UKw1W/IOjAAAMYvQ

FYI.  Do we want to draft something in response to this request on behalf of




From: owner-liaison6c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-liaison6c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Denise Michel
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 4:20 PM
To: Council GNSO; liaison6c
Subject: [liaison6c] GNSO Council Restructuring


At its 31 July 2008 meeting, the ICANN Board accepted the report of the
Working Group on GNSO Council Restructuring. The Board was highly
appreciative of the Working Group's efforts and instructed ICANN Staff to
(1) perform an analysis of the potential consequences and implementation
issues presented by the proposals in the report and (2) report back to the
Board by 21 August 2008 with an analysis of the potential consequences, an
implementation review, and recommendations regarding those issues.

In an effort to provide a comprehensive analysis for the Board, Staff would
welcome input from the GNSO Council, its constituencies and individual
members of the GNSO community, as well as from the Governmental Advisory
Committee and the At-Large Advisory Committee and their members, regarding
the proposals set forth in the Working Group's report. A number of areas in
particular have been noted in the Board's considerations and are being
addressed by Staff, including:

.    Implications regarding the selection of Board seats;
.    Implications of new voting thresholds for policy development and other
Council operating matters and how they compare with current voting
.    Consideration of implications regarding the future roles of Nominating
Committee appointees, which may create pivot points because of the "simple
majorities" in the proposed new thresholds;
.    Consideration of the potential effects of various stakeholder
representation options proposed by the working group;
.    Evaluation of whether the proposed Council structure will be
understandable to the outside community and open enough to encourage
formation and participation of new constituency groups; and
.    Consideration of transition issues and how transition could occur in an
orderly and predictable manner.

Staff welcomes input on these and other issues related to the Working
Group's report. It would be helpful to receive any input you may have by COB
(PDT) on Thursday, 14 August 2008 via email to policy-staff@xxxxxxxxx. 


Denise Michel
ICANN VP, Policy 

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