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[ispcp] RSTEP Report on PIR's Request to Implement DNSSEC in .ORG

  • To: <ispcp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ispcp] RSTEP Report on PIR's Request to Implement DNSSEC in .ORG
  • From: "Mark McFadden" <mcfadden@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 08:55:11 -0500
  • List-id: ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Organization: ISPCP Secretariat
  • Reply-to: <mcfadden@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcjHrIFwY38oGgg1SYSEj3uqSzgQJgAMC2KA

RSTEP Report on PIR's Request to Implement DNSSEC in .ORG
5 June 2008

On 21 April 2008, ICANN referred Public Interest Registry (PIR)'s
proposed implementation
(http://icann.org/registries/rsep/pir-request-03apr08.pdf) [PDF, 205K]
of DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) in .ORG to the Registry Services
Technical Evaluation Panel (RSTEP). In accordance with the Registry
Services Evaluation Policy (RSEP)
(http://icann.org/registries/rsep/rsep.html), the RSTEP had 45 calendar
days to review the proposal and prepare a written report on whether the
proposed Registry Service creates a reasonable risk of a meaningful
adverse effect on Security or Stability. 

The RSTEP Review Team completed its report that can be found at:

[PDF, 481K]. 

Very briefly, the technical evaluation found that the
proposed implementation of DNSSEC, "does create a reasonable risk of a
meaningful adverse effect on security and stability, which can be
effectively mitigated by policies, decisions, and actions to which PIR
either has expressly committed in its proposal or could reasonably be
required to commit."

The Review Team consisted of the following members:

Patrik Fältström (Cisco; USA)
Paul Hoffman (VPN Consortium, USA) (Chair)
Mark Kosters (ARIN, USA)
Frederico A C Neves (NIC.br, Brasil)
Andrew Sullivan (Command Prompt, Canada)

Under the terms of the RSEP, following receipt of the RSTEP report, the
ICANN Board will determine whether the proposed Registry Service creates
a reasonable risk of a meaningful adverse effect on Stability or Security.

ICANN invites public comments on the RSTEP Report through 20 June 2008
23:59 UTC. Comments can be submitted to pir-dnssec-proposal@xxxxxxxxx,
and viewed at http://forum.icann.org/lists/pir-dnssec-proposal/. All
documents related to the PIR proposal are available at


The Board is expected to consider the RSTEP Report and PIR's proposal
following synthesis and reporting of the public comment.

[ from the gNSO Secretariat ]

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