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Re: [ga] Issues: ICANN fails, the senate commerce commitee prevails:FCC to Develop 'Super V Chip' To Screen All Content

Kim Davies wrote:
Quoting jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on Sunday August 05, 2007:
| | Indeed? Well ICANN floated/promoted this one (kids.us),
| as it's own documented history clearly shows.

If it is so clearly shown, I am sure you will share with
us the relevant references. Here is a starting point:

Ah, .kids (and .kids.us) - I would welcome a TLD for young goats to be added to the suite of barnyard TLDs - .moo, .ewe, .kids ;-)

Some of these culturally sensitive proposals for TLDs are amazingly under-conceived by their proponents. Finding a common denominator for .kids between, say a Afghan girl of age 5 and a Santa Cruz boy of age 14 is likely to be impossible, even though both are "kids".

When I was on the board someone came forward with a request for a TLD for Christians. I kind of shuddered and asked him whether he realized the range of sensibilities that that would inflame, and that wars had been fought over even the question of "who is a Christian".

Of course, because I feel that semantics and usage are none of ICANN's concern, had his request come before ICANN and had his application demonstrated the technical ability to run DNS services according to broadly accepted written technical standards and practices I would have voted to approve it.


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