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Re: [ga] Responses by .biz/info/org Registry Operators are Unacceptable

Gomes, Chuck wrote:

Where do you think funding of the application process costs should come
from if not from the applicant?

I suspect that most of us would say that the applicant ought to cover the expenses of processing the application.

However many (perhaps most outside of the IP community) would say that the current expenses are orders of magnitude too high because the inquiry that is being made by ICANN is not appropriately focused.

Imagine if you went to your state's department of motor vehicles to get a driver's license. And instead of determining whether you are of legal age and able to drive, they insist on doing, and you paying for, an investigation of your lifestyle, your finances, whether you attended all sessions of all your classes in college (only college graduates need apply), and require you to present a lifetime set of dental x-rays and a letter of recommendation from the minister of your church (agnostics need not apply.)

ICANN's only proper inquiry is whether the applicant will abide by written, broadly accepted technical standards. That's something that is as simple as a short checklist - see for example the rather short and concise IANA list of items for proper technical operation of a TLD.

The cost of that simple evaluation ought to be only a few dollars - roughly 1/1000th of what ICANN is charging now.


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