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Re: [ga] Responses by .biz/info/org Registry Operators are Unacceptable

I think I must have failed to fully express what I wanted to say.

It's my feeling that any "meaning" that is associated with a TLD is the business of the users and operator of that TLD, not the business of ICANN.

So if you (.ewe?) or I (.eye?) want to start up a TLD and say that it is for people who want to set up a mesh of brain wave transfer servers, then that's for us to say.

But it's not ICANN's role to sit up there on its throne, looking down onto the internet and say "Let there be a TLD named .dog for websites with content for dyxlexics".

ICANN's proper role is merely to inquire whether an operator, potential or real, is adhering to widely accepted, published internet *technical* standards. And for that they merely need a simple one page checklist, and a very small ($50?) application fee to cover costs (assuming a proper sized ICANN rather than the bloated money pit that it has become.)


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