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Re: [ga] significant user representation

Danny Younger wrote:

re:  "trying to evaluate the level of representativeness of any
individual or group putting forth views is useful"

According to the year 2000 census, in the United States we have
6,773,632 business establishments

If we're going to have a game of chest thumping...

Given that I am one of the very few people who actually stood the test
of an open election in which everyone over the age of 18 was eligible to
vote, and in which I won the "North American" seat, it can said with
some force that I am the proper representative of the 330,000,000 people
of what ICANN defined as "North America", including their businesses and
other aggregates (schools, unions, local governments, etc).

(Now,of course, in reality the number of people who registed to vote and
who actually did vote was, as in the case of many elections, rather less
than the number who could vote.

But then again, I did win by a margin that was, in percentage terms, by
some lights even in numerical terms, larger than the margin in the US
Presidential election of year 2000. ;-)


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