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Re: [ga] Policy making Organization

perhaps he doesn't realize that his silly messages are going out to thousands.  or perhaps he does and he just doesn't care.... 
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Gilmore <marcusgilmore@xxxxxxxxx>
To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 09:49:27 +0200
Subject: Re: [ga] Policy making Organization

Dude... Are you just here for comic relief or is there something
you're actually hoping to accomplish?

Marcus Gilmore

On 4/22/05, Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So I got sick again and died and went to heaven. Oh don't worry it was a
> good trip, first class and all that stuff. I just wish they would stop
> buying me round trip tickets. I hope you all got that for the levity
> intended. I like this life. But I would be a coward if i saw harm and did
> not stand in its' way.
> Every Woman, man and child, does not only have a right to be engaged in the
> policy of your internet they have a duty. How can I jump and spank you so
> you get off your asses and contribute? Without you it does not work. My
> shoeshine boys and daughters need you to care.
> My Africa and Asia need you now more than ever. A simple voice can change a
> million lives.
> Please even if you just write to say i am an idiot and nuts, please write it
> and show you care.
> Blessed be those who stand in the way of injustice.
> e
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