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Re: [ga] Liberalism versus Conservatism

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Liberalism versus Conservatism
  • From: RBHauptman@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 01:46:43 EST
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Couldn't you have just Andy (or my) message stand on their own.  Must you 3 
respond to every single message that is posted up here?

Talk about freedom of speech.  jeesh.

In a message dated 12/5/2004 9:02:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Andy and all former DNSO GA members or other interested stakeholders/users,

  To remember FDR's famous words, "The only fear we have to fear
is fear itself".  In other words in today's world, fearing the words
of anyone is more fearful that the fear that those words or ideas
expressed in words, are themselves.

  One of my own credo's is "NO FEAR".  I will never fear anything
as to contemplate such invites a defeatism of life or a particular defeat
without so much as facing the challenge that some ask or suggest
you to fear in the first place...

Andy Gardner wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2004, at 8:31 PM, Jeff Williams wrote:
> > It is clear, and has been for some decades
> > now, that Americans at least are centrists by in large.
> Unless scared shitless by an administration that suggest that if you
> vote for "them" you might get bombed by terrorists. Then they turn into
> raving right-wing bible bashers.


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