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[ga] Industry stakeholders vs. Consumer Stakeholders

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Industry stakeholders vs. Consumer Stakeholders
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 06:22:06 -0700 (PDT)
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Looking back through ICANNS founding documents and their modifications and amendments and MOUs and agreements one fact becomes clear. The term stakeholder was fought over and industry won the battles and the war. No reconstruction of the decimated consumer was offered and none taken. A puppet interim group was established called atlac or something and this is supposed to represent the people.
Whenever opportunity was given for self organization vicious infighting occured, usually spurred on by those covertly coopted by industry and promised seats on the puppet group. Hatred appears to be the only rallying cry and no common point was ever established that put principles above personalities. The consumer never focused on what they could accomplish together but more upon what the bastard rulers had done to them.
However as with all regimes where the primary purpose is to gather more wealth, some amoung them see that an increase in contentment amoung the populace will increase use and stimulate interest and cause greater purchasing of the industry commodity services and goods. 
Now is a good time to offer consumer friendly suggestions and couch them in terms of benefit and not redemption or penalty. Now is the time when a stamp of consumer approval is as valuable as a dotcom takeover. Now the once all powerful corporations will be looking for that boost of dotcommoner acceptance to help them compete where they should, against one another, for the users dollar. 

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