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[ga] Comments Encouraged on the Final Report of IDNC Working Group on ccTLD "Fast Track" Mechanisms

  • To: "mail=ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Comments Encouraged on the Final Report of IDNC Working Group on ccTLD "Fast Track" Mechanisms
  • From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 01:43:22 -0700

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org; liaison6c[at]gnso.icann.org]

[To: ga[at]gnso.icann.org; announce[at]gnso.icann.org]

[To: regional-liaisons[at]icann.org]


Comments Encouraged on the Final Report of IDNC Working Group on ccTLD "Fast 
Track" Mechanisms

15 July 2008

Final Report of IDNC 
 [PDF, 100K]

Public Comment Forum Open Through 15 August 2008

Summary: The IDNC Working Group (IDNC WG) has developed its Final Report on 
feasible methods that would enable the timely and efficient ("fast track") 
introduction of a limited number of non-contentious IDN ccTLDs, while an 
overall long-term IDN ccTLD policy is being developed. The Final Report 
highlights the latest topics and issues that need to be considered in 
developing (1) a mechanism for the selection of the IDN ccTLD string and (2) a 
mechanism to designate an IDN ccTLD manager. The ICANN Board of Directors 
accepted the Final report at its 26 June meeting in Paris, France and directed 
that the report be made available for public comments.

Process: In addition to opening this new public forum, the ICANN Staff has been 
directed by the Board to begin work on implementation measures with relevant 
stakeholders to implement the fast track and to prepare a detailed 
implementation report to the Board before the ICANN Cairo meeting in November 
2008. Comments submitted in this forum will be used by the staff to help 
fulfill those obligations.

Background: The IDNC WG was chartered by ICANN's Board to develop and report on 
feasible methods, if any, that would enable the introduction (in a timely 
manner and in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the 
Internet) of a limited number of non-contentious IDN ccTLDs, associated with 
the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes (both the official code list of ISO 3166-1 and 
the list of reserved ISO 3166-1 code elements)(popularly known as "the fast 
track"), while the overall IDN ccTLD policy is being developed. The scope of 
the IDNC WG was limited to developing methods that would not pre-empt the 
ultimate policy outcomes of the IDN cc Policy Development Process (ccPDP).

As described in the Final Report, the fast track approach requires two specific 

 1.  A mechanism for the selection of the IDN ccTLD string; and
 2.  A mechanism to designate an IDN ccTLD manager).

The Document: Final Report of IDNC 
 [PDF, 100K]

Deadline and How To Submit Comments: The Public Comment forum on the Final 
Report of the IDNC WG will be open through 15 August 2008. Comments on the 
document are welcome via email to 
idn-cctld-fast-track@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:idn-cctld-fast-track@xxxxxxxxx>. An 
archive of all comments received will be publicly posted at 

For more information, visit 


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