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Re: [ga] .xxx Registry Files for Independent Review

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx, ssene@xxxxxxxxxxxx, stacy.burnette@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] .xxx Registry Files for Independent Review
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 16:28:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

Danny and all,

  Well, well, well...  My how the worm turns, eh?  

  I for one am not surprised at this perfictly reasonable
filing and the reasons given by ICM, even though I personally
am against their original patition for .XXX.  As to competition
in this "Space", no pun intended, I believe that there is 
"Plenty" of competition, if you'll pardong the pun, all be
it that in this Market segment that competition is not
as substancial ( Exceptions .org, .com, .info, .ws, .it,
.tk, and the always popular .sl, for somwhat obvious
reasons )at the TLD level, so to speek. 

  I am also sure that the Domain Name speculators were
and remain disappointed that .XXX was shot down for 
moral reasons, contrary to ICANN's stated reasons
as Danny's provided links falsely indicate.  The
permiations for domain names in the proposed .XXX
have rather interesting cultural and denoted meanings
as it were that might have some significant value to
future interested parties.  

  However making money in the explotation of persons
of dubious behaviors is not reasonably exceptable,
and should not be.  Yet ICANN's reason for rejecting
the patition should have been a completely honest one
from the onstart, which is telling in how ICANN determins
what is and what is not acceptable for a TLD of sTLD in
this case.

  So either ICANN abides by it's own bylaws and policies
or it doesn't.  Can we say, "Hoist on it's own patard"

-----Original Message-----
>From: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Jun 17, 2008 10:11 AM
>To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [ga] .xxx Registry Files for Independent Review


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