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[ga] Domain Tasting Reopened for Public Comments

  • To: <robin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <nhklein@xxxxxxx>, <carlos.souza@xxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Domain Tasting Reopened for Public Comments
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 11:29:09 +0200

Hello Robin, Norbert, Carlos
I have read the NCUC's updated statement on domain tasting in the Final
Report and it seems you, as a constituency, support the existing 10% AGP
cap motion as is.
We on the GNSO GA, however, believe the motion is insufficient and still
vulnerable to possible abuse. I understand that the issue might seem to
be politically sensitive but we here advocating the public interests are
committed to the stakeholders we represent in the first place. I am
convinced that a proper deliberation and adequate community support
should overweigh the politics that primarily do not serve the community
I would be very pleased if NCUC could reconsider its position and
actively participate on the issue, which is of high importance for all
stakeholders. As an encouraging example, I would like to mention the
attitude of Registrars Constituency during the last GNSO vote, voting
against the motion not rushing for consent at any price.
Danny Younger can provide you with more insight and thoughts on the
issue as he is familiar with what is happening in both the At-Large and
the GNSO GA communities.
Thank you
Best regards
Dominik Filipp, GNSO GA

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