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[ga] Re: [At-Large] Proposal of the ALAC Chair on Code of Conduct Enforcement

  • To: cheryl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, DOC/NTIA ICANN Rep <aheineman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [At-Large] Proposal of the ALAC Chair on Code of Conduct Enforcement
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 04:21:08 -0700

Cheryl and Nick,

  Well I cannot and do not see the reasoning in such moderating.
But it seems that the ALAC global list is not a public mailing
list in the tradition of the Internet given your action.  Whatever
you and Nick are intending to effect in moderating me will fail
and will only embolden our members to take whatever future
actions that they deem necessary, and advisable.  I also did
not see any given reason for me being moderated in your retort
and/or advisory below of any kind.  Please advise as the why
moderation is being sought or effected.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr wrote:

> Dear Mr. Williams,
> As you know, considerable email traffic and discussion on this topic has
> recently occurred in the Public At-Large email list...
> As you also know the matter of moderation/ sanction (and a somewhat complex
> procedure for future management of complaints on postings and list activity
> ruled to be outside of that permitted under Rule 22 of that ALAC Rules of
> Procedure) was on the Agenda for discussion at the ALAC meeting held at 1330
> UTC on 11th of March.
> This message is to inform you of the outcomes of that part of the discussion
> and the associated resolutions of the ALAC that concern your recent list
> activity, in advance of the meeting notes being posted, as well as the
> meeting recording and transcript (if any) being posted to the Wiki page
> associated with that meeting...
> So please be advised that as of 1200 UTC on March 12th postings to the
> At-Large List are to be moderated.
> Please also note that:-
> 1. Considerable time was taken in our discussion of this complex matter in
> an effort to find a balance between the requests of many list Members  and
> the desire to ensure that we continue to provide a forum where opinion and
> points of view can be posted, providing they are within the published ALAC
> list guidelines.
> 2. As a result of our deliberations you are now being moderated in the
> At-Large (public) email list, and that moderation means that you will
> currently have a posting limit of three (3) messages per day.  These will
> literally be the first three (3) messages sent in any 24hr period  beginning
> from 1200 UTC 12th of March, 2008.
> 3. Moderation is manual, will be conducted by the At-Large staff with no
> attention being paid to the content or topic of the messages.  They will
> simply forward the first three (3) messages to the list and all others (in
> any 24hrs 1200 UTC onward) will be deleted regardless of topic or content.
> 4. This level of moderation will be reviewed in 30 days.
> 5. Further activities outside of our list code of conduct (with or without
> complaints from list Members), will result in an increase in moderation, and
> could result in removal from the list.
> 6.  The ALAC At-Large List will be informed of these outcomes, without any
> specific reference to any particular list Member.
> Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO)
> ALAC Chair 2007-2008


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