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[ga] More RIAA deserved slapdown:RIAA Expert Witness Called "Borderline Incompetent"

  • To: Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DOC/NTIA ICANN Rep <aheineman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] More RIAA deserved slapdown:RIAA Expert Witness Called "Borderline Incompetent"
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:42:42 -0800


  More evidance that ICANN's IPC should revoke the membership
of the RIAA.

Prof. Johan Pouwelse of Delft University  one of the world's foremost
experts on the science of P2P file sharing and the very same Prof.
Pouwelse who stopped the RIAA's Netherlands counterpart in its
tracks back in 2005 has  http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/
submitted an expert witness report characterizing the
work of the RIAA's expert, Dr. Doug Jacobson, as 'borderline
The report (PDF), filed in
UMG v. Lindor, pointed out, among other things, that the steps needed
to be taken in a copyright infringement investigation were not taken,
that Jacobson's work lacked 'in-depth analysis' and 'proper scientific
scrutiny,' that Jacobson's reports were 'factually erroneous,' and that
they were contradicted by his own deposition testimony. This is the
first expert witness report of which we are aware since the Free
Foundation announced that it would be
coming to the aid of RIAA defendants.


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"If the probability be called P; the injury, L; and the burden, B;
liability depends upon whether B is less than L multiplied by
P: i.e., whether B is less than PL."
United States v. Carroll Towing  (159 F.2d 169 [2d Cir. 1947]
Updated 1/26/04
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