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[ga] Re: [At-Large] Resolution of the Board of Directors related to theproposed Summit

  • To: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxx>, aheineman@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [At-Large] Resolution of the Board of Directors related to theproposed Summit
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:29:09 -0800

Vittorio and all,

  The ICANN board is well known for adopting or creating
resolutions that are not factual or do not reflect reality.  The
ALAC is a relitively closed structure and cannot in it's
current form, be representative of the vast majority of
stakeholders and/or registrants/users.


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Vittorio Bertola wrote:

> Nick Ashton-Hart ha scritto:
> > Dear All:
> >
> > I wanted to ensure you saw this as soon as it became available. This
> > is the text of the resolution related to the proposed Summit adopted
> > unanimously at the public ICANN Board Meeting today in New Delhi
> I need some clarifications...
> > At-Large Structures Summit
> >
> > Whereas, the At-Large Advisory Committee is now supported by five
> > Regional At-Large Organizations comprised of more than one hundred At-
> > Large Structures.
> > Whereas, members of the ALAC, RALOs, and At-Large Structures believe
> > that a face-to-face meeting of at least one person from each of these
> > structures in conjunction with an ICANN meeting would facilitate their
> > coordination and work on ICANN policy matters relating to the
> > interests of individual Internet users.
> I am not sure whether I understand the wording.
> If this means "*all* members believe that...", I don't think that there
> was sufficient consultation with the RALOs and the ALSes - actually in
> several cases there was none yet - so I don't know how one can say that.
> If this means that "*not all* members..."(i.e., "members of" implies
> that it is not the ALAC as a whole that believes that), does that imply
> that a formal request to set up the Summit has not been presented yet by
> the ALAC?
> In other words, I am not sure whether the ALAC already submitted a
> formal request as a group, or whether this is a preliminary solicitation
> by the Board for a formal request. In this case, the ALAC should
> promptly oblige.
> > Whereas, the ALAC and constituents have been planning for such a
> > Summit since ICANN's San Juan meeting.
> >
> > Whereas, this would be a special event associated with the completion
> > of the establishment of the At-Large Advisory Committee.
> This seems to imply that it is being perceived as a "once in a lifetime"
> event, not as the first of a series (or at least, for the moment, there
> is the desire to state clearly that the possible funding of this one
> will not constitute a commitment to fund other similar events in the
> future).
> > Whereas, many of the ALAC At-Large structures are unable to cover the
> > costs of sending a representative to an ICANN meeting for this purpose.
> >
> > Resolved (2008.02.15.12), the Board directs Staff to work with the
> > ALAC to finalise a proposal that will fund one person from each At-
> > Large Structure to attend the proposed Summit, for consideration as
> > part of the 2008-2009 operating plan and budget process.
> The way I interpret this is:
> - the Board asks the staff to transform all these talks into a final
> proposal;
> - the Board commits the organization to examine the proposal, on the
> same level and with the same procedures as any other proposal submitted
> by any party for something to be funded by ICANN;
> - there is no commitment yet by the Board, or auspices that the proposal
> is approved, which is obvious since there is no proposal yet;
> - in any case, since this project is referred to the 2008-2009 planning
> process, and since the 2008-2009 FY starts on July 1st, the Summit will
> definitely not happen in Paris. Or does the 2008-2009 process include
> activities in the first half of 2008?
> Do I get it well?
> Thanks,
> --
> vb.                   Vittorio Bertola - vb [a] bertola.eu   <--------
> -------->  finally with a new website at http://bertola.eu/  <--------
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