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[ga] How To Unleash Domain Tasting For $0.20

  • To: "Ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ICANN Domain name tasting" <domain-tasting-2008@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] How To Unleash Domain Tasting For $0.20
  • From: "Dominik Filipp" <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 17:14:02 +0100

Grand Piece: "Domain Tasting For Everyone - A Splendid Time Guaranteed
For All"

Let me introduce a new grand model of Domain Tasting adopting the $0.20
fee provision. I came accross a similar idea unwittingly during browsing
and it made me stunned when realizing how ingenious ideas can be
invented to adjust business methods to keep a business running once it
has been successfully launched.

At POOL.COM (www.pool.com) there is a service called "Catch & Release"
(www.pool.com/CNRLanding.aspx) offering publicly accessible domain
evaluation for $0.10 during the first 4 1/2 days after registration:

"Evaluate your domains for approximately 4 1/2 days and decide if you
want to keep them by simply selecting "Keep" in the Domains in
Evaluation interface. If you do not explicitly keep a domain it will be
deleted per the Time Remaining shown. You can also choose to delete a
domain in advance of the delete schedule by selecting "Discard"."

That is indeed an ingenious idea. Instead of tasting domains and taking
all the risk by a narrow range of tasting registrars the tasting will be
shared among many people and made attractive in a big volume. After
applying the $0.20 fee the "Catch & Release" evaluation fee will add up
to $0.30 (or $0.25), which is pretty comfortable to many people and
businesses worldwide. There is no risk at all for tasting
registrars/providers as the tasting requests will be now demanded by
people/businesses/organizations themselves willing to pay for the
service. Just few domains tasted by single entity is perfectly
affordable, but considering the large scale of entities involved
worldwide opens undreamed opportunities for the tasting business. The
tasters thus turn back to its standard for-free mode profiting now from
fees applied on 'public domain tasting' service subscription, domain
'pre-reservations' and, of course, the revenue stream from all the
standard techniques such as PPC advertising.
How ingenious. Everybody can now participate on tasting, no more
complaints. Although just few will be continuing to stuff the pocket on
regular basis. A real paradise of domain speculation!


1. Short-Term Registrations

>From now on, everyone can evaluate domains for an arbitrary short time.
Once a domain is proven useless or not profitable it is discarded at any

2. Domain Portfolios

Everyone can build up domain portfolio up to pocket potential. The more
rich company the more domains for longer time can be retained in

3. Micro-Auctions

Domains will occur on auctions for a short time to play Wheel of

4. PPC Advertising

All domains will be armed with PPC advertising but the revenue will be
primarily targeted to the public-taster service. In case of end-user
interest in being involved in the PPC game, no problem. But just part of
the revenue, or for recurrent fee.

What a wonderful time! We all are invited to the Grand Domain
Speculation World.

Dominik Filipp, a GA List member

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