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[ga] The GAC Sucks

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] The GAC Sucks
  • From: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 05:33:54 -0700 (PDT)

The recently posted Board minutes tell us that "The
Whois Procedure for Conflicts with National Laws is
not yet implemented pending GAC input"

This is completely unacceptable.  This Consensus
Policy was adopted 17 months ago.  To have ICANN
paralyzed by the debility of the GAC impacts all of us
(across every constituency).

We are starting to run into real problems just because
the GAC can't get its act together.  Consider the
Canadian comments on ICANN Draft Accountability &
Transparency Frameworks and Principles:

"There remain concerns about the amount and pace of
work being undertaken in ICANN and its supporting
organisations.  In the past year this has been
overwhelming for governments, and for others who want
to be involved but are unable to sustain the amount of
effort required."

This is crap.  If we unpaid volunteers can stay on top
of matters, there is no excuse for governments (that
command a wealth of resources) not to be able to get
their work done in an efficient and responsible

To delay the implementation of a Consensus Policy for
this long solely because the GAC hasn't yet issued a
formal opinion is just plain wrong.

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