[council] GNSO-GAC Session - Draft Agenda & Slides
Colleagues - As per usual, the GNSO leadership (chairs + liaison) met with the GAC leadership team to discuss potential topics for the joint GNSO-GAC session, scheduled for Wednesday 29 June from 9.30 – 10.30. As a result of that discussion, we are proposing the following draft agenda (below). Also, please find a slide deck to accompany our discussions. If you have questions or comments, please raise these on the list or during our sessions on Monday. Thank you, J. ------------ James Bladel 1. Welcome & introductions 2. Status update & discussion on GNSO PDPs of specific interest to the GAC (incl. new gTLD Subsequent Procedures - TLDs in Emerging Regions and Geographical and Culturally Significant Names., IGO Curative Rights) 3. Exchange of views on next steps in relation to outstanding Red Cross / IGO recommendations 4. Status update on activities of GAC-GNSO Consultation Group and expected next steps 5. Operation of the Empowered Community – short discussion of preparations 6. AOB Attached you will find some proposed slides to accompany this discussion. If you have any questions or comments, please share those with the list Thank you, J. ------------ James Bladel GoDaddy Attachment:
Joint GAC-GNSO Session - updated 24 June 2016.pptx